Ok. I was having a conversation with my homie and we were talking about this article I found about self-proclaimed"nice guys". We both agreed on the majority of the points the article made, self-proclaimed nice guys are assholes.
Self-proclaimed assholes want us to believe guys who aren't assholes, are assholes while they're are the misunderstood nice guys.
Let me explain.
I asked women what an asshole is to them because the guys they always say are assholes, aren't really assholes, they're just guys who won't do what they want, and self-proclaimed nice guys will. Which is why they usually wish the two are one person.
Instead, self-proclaimed nice guys are assholes, they're dickish about not getting the bitches they want, in the black community these niggas sound like coons. Tap dancing on a thin line. Here are some videos on black guys and their simp rants. https://youtu.be/pDiVD5w3eSA (Epic Power Simp Rant) & a video I did on simp rants. https://youtu.be/30RzbT-UhfQ (Simp Rants) https://youtu.be/YGRLgrgsA94 (nice guy vs simp)
And white dudes, y'all give off school shooter vibes. Like these guys. How can you not cringe reading that shit? What about this guy?
Remember this killer simp? Elliot Rodger
The issue with self-proclaimed nice guys is, they lack social common sense, they're socially ret*rded. They need to work on that. Self-proclaimed nice guys complain about all they do for brawds that they have an interest in, yet get friends zone or overlooked for their efforts, ultimately, it's their ulterior motives that make women leery of them, and usually, the motive is getting some ass. If you're a guy and you disagree, I'm wondering how many unattractive fat & or weird looking brawds are you nice to, aside from attractive women? Probably a number as low as your sexual partners, in this case, nonexistent.
However, the counterpart of a self-proclaimed nice guy is a self-proclaimed "good woman/good girl". They're assholes too! They think that just because they cook, clean and fuck, they're good women who deserve the world. Constantly telling the world how much they do, and don't get the appreciation they think they deserve from men they say are "assholes". Usually, they're fucking up, and no one with any sense will appreciate someone constantly fucking up especially simple shit they're asked to do. If it's not cooking, cleaning and fucking, it's fucking up simple shit or thinking that just because they're there that is all that matters, never really adding to the relationship, support is great, and it's appreciated when backed up with paper $$$. Speaking of money, let's not forget women who don't believe they should spend money on their men, throw them in there with the rest of the assholes.
Self-proclaimed assholes want us to believe guys who aren't assholes, are assholes while they're are the misunderstood nice guys.
Let me explain.
I asked women what an asshole is to them because the guys they always say are assholes, aren't really assholes, they're just guys who won't do what they want, and self-proclaimed nice guys will. Which is why they usually wish the two are one person.
Instead, self-proclaimed nice guys are assholes, they're dickish about not getting the bitches they want, in the black community these niggas sound like coons. Tap dancing on a thin line. Here are some videos on black guys and their simp rants. https://youtu.be/pDiVD5w3eSA (Epic Power Simp Rant) & a video I did on simp rants. https://youtu.be/30RzbT-UhfQ (Simp Rants) https://youtu.be/YGRLgrgsA94 (nice guy vs simp)
And white dudes, y'all give off school shooter vibes. Like these guys. How can you not cringe reading that shit? What about this guy?

The issue with self-proclaimed nice guys is, they lack social common sense, they're socially ret*rded. They need to work on that. Self-proclaimed nice guys complain about all they do for brawds that they have an interest in, yet get friends zone or overlooked for their efforts, ultimately, it's their ulterior motives that make women leery of them, and usually, the motive is getting some ass. If you're a guy and you disagree, I'm wondering how many unattractive fat & or weird looking brawds are you nice to, aside from attractive women? Probably a number as low as your sexual partners, in this case, nonexistent.
However, the counterpart of a self-proclaimed nice guy is a self-proclaimed "good woman/good girl". They're assholes too! They think that just because they cook, clean and fuck, they're good women who deserve the world. Constantly telling the world how much they do, and don't get the appreciation they think they deserve from men they say are "assholes". Usually, they're fucking up, and no one with any sense will appreciate someone constantly fucking up especially simple shit they're asked to do. If it's not cooking, cleaning and fucking, it's fucking up simple shit or thinking that just because they're there that is all that matters, never really adding to the relationship, support is great, and it's appreciated when backed up with paper $$$. Speaking of money, let's not forget women who don't believe they should spend money on their men, throw them in there with the rest of the assholes.
One thing you begin to notice about self-proclaimed nice guys and good girls is they ofter have standards way too high, you're a big girl but obsessing over slim in shape men, or you're a big guy but no fat girls allowed. You're a brawd with no money but dudes have to pay for everything, you have children but think you shouldn't be 1000% cooperative as if a dude without children isn't doing you a favor, or you have kids (or a kid) and you're not even looking at dudes with children, be realistic, you should be fucking with someone who has kids already. If you don't have a lot of money you should be willing to contribute with what you have and definitely cooperate to the max. Especially if you aren't making 70% of their income.