
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Are Women better cheaters than Men?

December 28, 2013
If women are better at cheating than men it's because the average man is naive, not because women are good at it.

The average man doesn't really concern himself with trivial things as long as his woman show some sort of normal behavior he's happy. The average man doesn't have much self-esteem so they really are just happy they have a woman & pay no real aattention to things like neglect or change in behavior patterns which women that cheat will display before & during their affairs.

The average man believes that if he works hard & brings home the money to his woman there should be no issue failing to realize that those are necessary things adults have to do if they don't want to be broke & poor. It has nothing to do with the relationship.

They are both neglectful to each others needs, if she wanted affection she should chip in which would free up his schedule so they actually have QT. Him working a lot to provide would neglect her.

The average man is clueless to how women really act & does not notice the change in behavior patterns until it is too late & she's already cheated. She might do something's to throw you off, I wouldn't call it skill. After all it's not an even playing field where he maynot be experienced in cheating but she is.

Women on the other hand are in denial about a man cheating on them. Thus it's not naive, it's just stupidity. They have all of the evidence but will still need to see it. -SSM

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Black Folks: Stay away from Each Other

It's time...the time to piss people off & force them to unlike my page again.

I'll leave you all with this-

What can black folk do about the state of the community? Nothing. Stay as far away from each other as possible.

If you're tired of black women & men, stay the Fuck away from each other because no amount of social media grouping will ever change & the majority of you just like to argue- I mean "debate" all Fucking day wasting each others time. You can't stand each other & normally I would say to lock yourself in a room & either fuck or kill each other. Now I'm thinking you should just kill each other because who needs you breeding more like you.

Unless women are going to stop trying to snatch a baller. because black women, your looks aren't going to catch you some imaginary nigga with wealth come to play captain save em. That's not going to happen. So going out with men & not paying your own way, is stupid to even think of. Spend your own money. Pay your own way otherwise you aren't going to go anywhere. We live in modern times always have always will. Then you'll attempt to get with a man who's stunting like he's a baller & try to fix him up. Try to build with a foundation with Shit. You're trying to take Shit & turn it into filet mignon. It's a lot of fine but lonely women out here that don't even go out like that because they stay looking for a sucka.

Black men, looking for some magical freak brawd who's never had sex more than 3 times, is never going to happen. A majority of you are suckers, tricks, & simps. I can't see why black women want you to reclaim a position you aren't suited for & that's being a man, with honor, integrity & some fuck pride about yourselves. "Black men need to reclaim their place as head of the family." Is that after you stop cosigning photos of black men kneeling at your feet like servants black women? Or that you're chopping the head off anybody that disrespected your black "kings"?

It's funny how black folk want that Jay Z & Beyonce relationship when they really have observed a true power couple with the intent to learn.

Jay Z & Beyonce are what a black power couple is, now for the record I do not like either. Not their music. Not their movies. I actually dislike them. But I can respect them.

Jay Z, has money. Beyonce, has money. They combined assets, became an alliance & have been keeping money within their family. They were assets to each other BEFORE & AFTER marriage. They even have a child together which was the icing on the cake. They are making money together & becoming more powerful regardless of how much controversy they get into in the eye's of the media, they still come out on top (like the Illuminati stuff.) They still make money & major power moves which make them one of the few highly successful black couples you'll ever see. If you do want to become a successful black couple, do so. Stack racks together. Ladies stick by a man you can build with & fellas have a gotdamn cause, a goal. A plan to build on so that a woman with her mind right can put herself in your life to assist the cause.
If you're not trying to build together, stay the Fuck away from each other. -SSM 12/25/13

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Right Minded Women don't stay Single for Long

I'll Leave you all with this-

Women who have their mind right don't stay on the market that long, they actually get scooped up real quick.
A woman who doesn't have her mind right says a lot of stupid sucker shit. They're the type of women who talk about what real men do but do not have a man at all. Those are bitches who I look at like children dreaming up their perfect guy. That's pretty pathetic when you hear women describing their ideal perfect man & it sound like a fairy-tale character. Only wanted wanted by a man they can dream of. It's kinda ironic how they wish he were "real."

Even if this type of woman was in a relationship, I can tell you her man is a simp because he let her say the sucker shit she does. A man of quality is not going to fuck with a woman who spits nonsense, she's going to stop all of that otherwise she can't fuck with him. A man of quality is only going to allow women with their minds right in his life. If she had her mind right it's because a man of quality wouldn't stand for the childish nonsense she says. 

Only a simp would allow her to run her mouth, they easily get overthrowed by a woman.
So she's either single or Fucking with a Simp. No in-between.

When you're dealing with a woman with her mind right, it's a turn on that she can actually have an intelligent conversation with you, Hanging out with her will actually be fun giving you an incentive to WANT to get to know her. That's what most brawds out here don't understand or probably choose to not understand is that dudes want sex from you because that's all you have to offer, while a woman with her mind right can actually hold a decent intelligent conversation is actually a turn on.

You're going to want to get to know her, & women with their minds right won't even take more than a month to have sex with because they are comfortable with you. Women have sex with men they feel comfortable with & a month won't even seem that long, it'll go by fast because you're having fun getting to know her while a brawd who doesn't have shit to offer & doesn't have her mind right is holding her pussy for ransom. She's trying to hold out like dudes don't know she's holding out.

That's a little bit of game for brawds who complain all dudes want is sex. -SSM

Too much Pride

I'll leave you all with this-

I talk a lot about having pride, the way I use it is having high self-esteem. The way you view yourself.
With integrity & honor, you can never compromise your manhood. You can never compromise the man.
-But- there is a such thing as too much pride. Often blinding. An example is when you're a thorough quality dude & your woman wants to show you how down she is for you cause & wants to make you happy so she tries to send you money. With TOO MUCH PRIDE, you taking it would make you feel less of a man.

Or a woman asking you out... 
Or asking for your hand in marriage... 
You'd consider it gender role reversal & gay... 

That's a foolish way to look at it.

If you had some game you'd think why shouldn't she give me money? I like money. Why shouldn't women ask me out? They should, I'm awesome. I'm the shit. Why shouldn't a woman get down on one knee & pop that question? I'm worth that shit. Nothing emasculating about a woman with good taste.

Not accepting your woman's approach & attempts to show you that she's down for you & loves you is slapping her, yourself & your manhood in the face. It's like you're saying only she deserves it because she's above you, you're lower than her. It's only gay if you act like a bitch. You can only feel like less of a man if you weren't a full one in the first place. Accepting a proposal doesn't make you less of a man unless you're walking down the aisle in a gotdamn wedding gown. -SSM 12/21/13

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Chivalry & Old Fashion Women; pt 2

The other day when I typed up my post about chivalry & old fashion women, a woman commented on the post stating that: 'if men stood up to be gentlemen, women would sit-down & be ladies.' She said some other stuff about manhood in the form of shaming tactics but I kicked her off the page.
I don't listen to women for the exact nonsense she typed. First off, a lady shows qualities like femininity, she's naturally submissive. So if you as a female are holding ladylike behavior on demands, you're not a damn woman.

I'm anti-simp, just because every man on the planet isn't, Is no excuse for me to become a simp, a bitch in a man's body. I'm going to uphold honor, integrity & have pride til the day I die. There is no: 'well since there are some men on the planet that are cowards, I'll be a coward too. No, that's not how that works. I'm going to be a man no matter what. 

I looked at her profile photo & she looked like an Ogre off of an elder scrolls game. She came in on behalf of unattractive & fat people everywhere to tell us that we better start treating them right or else they'll be unattractive & fat somewhere else. Ugly people have rights too. Lawl.

Not saying physically unattractive folks can't pull quality but shit, pipe down when you aren't quality, I saw kids & shit you're unqualified to give advice especially when you aren't ladylike yourself.
You should be taking notes on how to keep quality like the rest of the population, nobody's drawn to your words, just how loud & unattractive you are. -SSM
12/11/13 @9:44pm

A Real Man to most Women

A "real" man to most women is a punk bitch that puts up with her bullshit. He doesn't leave, he sticks with her through it all. 

Taking verbal & physical abuse from the woman he "loves" she's tough to "handle" but a "real" man can deal with it. He can deal with the embarrassment of her soning him in public, that look most mother's give their sons when her son is catching a verbal beat down. That's what a "real" man looks like to women. A woman talking down to her man in public, looks identical to a woman yelling at her son. Look at the photo I have, all of the men have no control over their situations.

Dudes having that scared "she gone hit me" look. A look of fear on a man he gives to his woman. The illustration on the grid says it all. 

If you believe you should put up with a bitch attitude like the punk ass men in the photo, then you are a simp with no honor, no integrity & no pride. Taking any form of abuse from a woman is some simp shit. Every man is a real man. If everybody can see & touch you, then you are real motherfucker. -SSM 12/11/13

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Chivalry & Old Fashion Women

Old fashion women lived with their parents & they were raised to be useful around the house. 

Women who claim men should be chivalrous because they are old fashion aren't really old fashion, nor do they believe in old fashion views.  

Old fashion women couldn't work, so their parents took care of them & if you had an interest in their daughter, you had to meet the parents first. They had to be comfortable with who wanted to date their daughter. You met the parents BEFORE going out on a date, there were no dates before the parents thought you were ok to go out with their daughter. & since the men were around the age of their daughter, they normally gave the boy interested in going out with their daughter, money to take her out since he was either low on money & or also didn't work or he was young himself like their daughter. (I have to give credit to Tariq since he pointed that out & it made sense considering women couldn't work).

Old fashion women made themselves useful. Back in the day you opened doors for them, they came through to your spot bring you something, cooked, cleaned. They did shit for you. Bitches today talk about chivalry, wanting chivalry to come back & they act as if it was just men opening doors for them & they gracefully walked through whether or not they said thank you. Like it was a man's job in life to be opening doors for bitches. They sat outside on the porch eating a pie or talking. That's how they got to know each other better & since parents only allowed their daughter to date who they approved of, it was easy for 1 girl & 1 guy to get to know each other fast. There was no 10-100 different contacts.

Old fashion women didn't have kids before marriage, old fashion women didn't have their own car, job & a place to stay. You are not an old fashion woman, you're a modern day woman & chivalry goes out the window in the modern day since you can work, you can drive & you can have your own money. There is no such thing as an old fashion woman in the modern day. The moment you got a job you really aren't old fashion. 

& a lot of old fashion shit goes out the window with black women because black women were working with black men back in the day, they had different kind of jobs but still were working too. All that Trickin shit, taking care of a woman was a white man thing.
Black folk, women would clean houses & dudes would work with their hands. If a woman wasn't working than yeah, it would go into affect of men taking care of a woman. But like I said a lot of times black women were working, they weren't staying at home. So chivalry never existed with black folks in the so-called "black community." 

Fellas, you need to ask yourself, "what am I getting out of this by doing this for you?"
Bitches might go; "it's thoughtful & selfless & this & that" 
Well if it you think it's
selfless, then why don't be you selfless an go open the door for me.
"Cause you're a man"
Bitch! That's a weak argument, my purpose in life isn't to be opening doors for you.
& if a brawd say my purpose is to be opening doors, well shit, if it is my life purpose to be opening doors for you then your life purpose is to clean my muthafuckin home, clean the floor, wash the dishes, cook the food. Go make me a gotdamn Sammich. -SSM 12/10/13

Here's part 2 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Only Lames Pay for Sex

Some dudes seem to think that spending money on females (aka Trickin.) Is the only way to get anywhere with women. Only lames pay for pussy.

A man of quality would make that brawd spend her own money, & if she decided not to he wouldn't care about seeing her again. See, to a trick he has to do whatever a woman wants or thinks what he wants to gain favor & it's only on a hope basis. Meaning he can spend money, Trickin off on the brawd but it doesn't mean she likes him at the end of the date & his efforts would mean nothing as she got a free meal out of him. While a man of quality is going to keep money in his pocket at the end of the night whether she pays or not.
Women are cheapskates, don't count on them paying their own way often because if you tell them from the get go they have to pay for their own shit & meet her at the date site she'll either show up or doesn't.
A trick cannot tell if a woman likes him or not no matter how much money he spends, he thinks she does but she doesn't. Like I said, women are cheapskates, they don't really like to spend money but if she likes you, she's going to get down with your program. She'll show up & pay her own way.

Look at it like this, if she doesn't show up & pay her own way like you implied, you'll keep your money in your pocket & if you're really pressed for a nut you can jack your shit off for free. Meanwhile she has to pay to fuck herself. Sex toys are a billion dollar industry & women burn through toys, they need to be Fucked more than the average tender dick, it wouldn't be a billion dollar industry if they didn't need sex, lawl women become ornery after not having no dick for a while".

If she doesn't show up she'll pay to fuck herself, if she does show up she'll still have to pay but at least she can enjoy the company of a quality man & she might get lucky & go home with him & get Fucked for free. Either way she has to pay & one of them is a lonely ride home.

A woman spending money & spending it on you is a sign she likes you. Her investment is a sign she's investing in her future with you. Women cannot afford to invest in multiple men. It's like trying to bow to 2 masters. -SSM 12/6/13

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Opening Doors for Women

Some women take a man's kindness for granted, a guy will open the door for them & instead of saying "thank you" & appreciating it, they won't say nothing & act as if it's a man's job or calling in life to be opening doors for bitches.

I had a homie walking & a brawd was walking ahead of him & she managed to get to the door before him. So she stood there staring at the door & waited for him to open the door & he just stood there staring at the door waiting too.

Finally she got mad & opened the door herself. She swung the door & he caught it laughing because he didn't care. He could open the door for himself & it was better than opening a door for her. If more men were like this, women would appreciate the little things more.
Brawds shouldn't act like it's a man's job in life to open doors for them, they have 2 hands. -SSM 12/1/13

Monday, November 25, 2013

A Man must be a Man at all Cost

A man must be a man at all cost, masculinity should be his aura. A man must stand on his own two feet, he must have a set of rules he follows that keep him in line, he has to have a code that he adheres to.
He must have integrity, honor, valor. He must be a man. Whether you believe him to be bad or good will not take away the fact that he is a man because that's how he holds himself. There must be something that he just won't stand for.
My set of principles that I stand on without a shadow of a doubt, is I will not stand for mistreatment of children or abuse of children. I could give a damn about women getting their asses beat by another man. They make the choice of being with him, if I ever saw or heard a woman getting her ass beat I wouldn't do shit but go on about my life, I'm not no gotdamn superhero. I'm not Superman. & I'm not saying abusing women or beating them up is ok, but Women have the power to leave & don't.
But a child. That's different. That's the only reason I'd step in to defend someone is if it were a child. Children cannot defend themselves & they don't have the power to leave. If I ever saw somebody hitting a child like they were an adult I'd whip their ass until they apologized begging for mercy & then I'd make them apologize to their kid. If you're going to hit your kid, it better be out of my sight.
Child abuse pisses me off, mistreating children pisses me off. If I ever heard someone beating on a child I'd call the cops on them as well. We're not talking ass whoopings as in discipline, that's different. But straight up beating on a child like they are adults mane I won't stand for that shit. -SSM 11/25/13

Monday, November 18, 2013

Red Flag

There's a red flag to be raised as to why a single mom would wonder why she's single & why men are't approaching her. Single moms only wonder why they are single & don't get approached by single men with NO CHILDREN. Not men with kids.
Do you see posts up on Facebook trying to shame single father's into dating a woman with kids? No! I didn't think so. The post shame men without kids.
Remember it said something like; "takes a strong man to accept someone else's child & step up to the plate another man left on the table."
That message isn't directed at single father's. It's directed at ALL OF YOU. Those of you WITHOUT any children. Notice it didn't say anything about single mother's getting with single father's & making that so called "broken family" whole again.
Single mother's already have an already made family. They seem so against dating someone else with children. & dating someone who has them. If you won't date single father's why should a man without children date you? Because you're unique like the other million and so on baby momma's.
I saw in a group a brawd said it was so hard to find a man without children & this bitch had kids. Hard to find is right. Cause they are not looking to play save a hoe. Not to mention that bullshit about not having to help out or get involved. What if you "fall in love" with the nigga & marry him, by law their his kids. If you are in a relationship & living together they are his kids. You might have the night talk to your kids one day. The kids might see him coming & going. They will cross paths.
Are you really going to get with a dude with no kids & never expect not to ask him or him having to do something for your kids?
Fellas if you believe in that malarkey, just cut your dick off, you violated the rule. -SSM 11/18/13

Immature Fantasies

Chicks have the most immature fantasies, little girl shit. Barbie Dreamworld type fantasies as grown women with or without children & have the nerve to call men who play video games or collect figurines, immature boys. They say men need to grow up.
There use to be a time women were planning their weddings ever since they were little girls, now that they are older it's little epic moments to attention whore up shared on social media.
Things like; "Dear future husband, please propose in this location of an isolated field in the spring with your best friend holding a camera taking a photo of the momentous occasion. *giggles*
Some of you have noticed the childish meme's of; "if you love her, show it in front of everybody." "When she's upset, hold her, let her knows you care" (SCSA voice) What?!
"Kiss her in public." & that's just the shit made by brawds with teenager fantasy nonsense. I won't even start on the afrocentric, problack garbage it would be too much to type like; "God made her, she's a queen, not a hoe"
(SCSA voice) What?!

She's a hoe if she was sent to the track & a slut if she's smashing dudes for no fee.
All that unrealistic movies scene bullshit. "If you love me, come to the airport & stop me from getting on an airplane & kiss me infront of everyone after you propse." Little girl nonsense.
"Stand up in front of an entire crowd people & tell me you love me with a megaphone.
If there is a such thing as too much pda that's it. -SSM 11/18/13

Two Types Of Feminist

There are two types of feminist.

The first ones are like "we share equal rights and we should help and support women who have been abused."


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Are you the 1st or 2nd Round Draft Pick?

Females make me laugh at the shit they pull that they are use to pulling on weak ass dudes.
Had an old flame send me a text message. Picture text message. But I didn't have her number anymore cause I delete bitches numbers when we not doing shit together anymore or they aren't benefiting me. So I asked who was it? As a response.
I delete bitches numbers for another reason for them thinking I'm a back up nigga whenever their relationships end with the main or other niggas.
I'm not anybody's back up dick or go to nigga, I'm the number 1 draft pick. & if you hit me up like I'm a second rate dude I'ma deflate your ego by asking who you are. Cause I'm a saved number in your phone but you are not in mine & I forgot about you.
& you know a bitches pride is hurt when she don't even tell you who she is but will pretend she didn't mean to hit you up. That just makes it worse cause like I said. Why do you still have my number?
& if she does tell me who she is I will treat her like we just met. Ain't no starting where we left off, we are starting over. & you got to work harder than the last time -SSM 11/17/13

Friday, November 15, 2013

"Not all women are the same"

I'll leave you all with this-

"Not all women are the same"
If you believe that saying. You are gullible.
Ever thought that you were a gentleman yet that ladies still weren't digging you? So you asked them for their advice & criticism in hopes that they tell you the secret to figuring them out? Then you talk about the abuse & lack of respect for a gentleman like yourself & chivalry is dead & they told you to "keep being you & don't change for nobody." You should continue being chivalrous even if it goes unappreciated, have you heard that before or read it?
Why are you taking advice on the opposite sex FROM the opposite sex.
Think about it, the same opposite sex that told you not to let what a few women did to you in the past change who you are
-Meaning- keep making the same mistakes over & over & over & over & over again. Sound familiar? No?
"Men ain't Shit" does that remind you of something?
From the very sex that told you not to change who you are even though you continually make the same mistakes in the dating world.
The irony is females when they are fed up, they don't learn from their mistakes. They try to cover it up by changing their look & attitude not for the better but for the worse. Like cutting their hair, a bunch of rebellious tattoos, slutty clothing, the sudden promiscuity. The constant complaints that people are using them & they are cutting them loose. Fake friends. They are loyal but no one else is the list goes on. BORING!
You'd be better off to remember this: All women are the same, some are smarter than others, some are dumber. Some have game & a vast majority don't.
While remembering that they are all the same you learn what works & what doesn't whenever a relationship (or just a brief encounter) doesn't work out. You can improve where you need to thus becoming a better man of quality. You can avoid pitfalls that other men couldn't because you learned. You improved. You got game, soon women & relationships become a game to win because you know the rules & even the tricks. You aren't blindsided by the new tricks either because you handle them just like the old. You don't become a bitter man you become a warrior on the battlefield who if I may steal a line from fight club. You were cookie dough & now a statue  chiseled out of stone. -SSM 11/15/13

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Cleanse Your Friends List

You all SHOULD cleanse your friends list of all negative females.

Negative would include; females who argue with you. Any antagonizing brawds who also play professional victim.
Any time you share content from a page addressing issues men have or just game period & a brawd makes comments about females, cut her loose. She is either not listening or listening but does not care. "Men do it too, & not all women" chicks should be eliminated. Brawds who share posts about sucker shit, "real men do __________ insert sucker shit, I implore you to get rid of them too.
Any other females with negative mindset's, not trying to move forward & be held accountable should not be on your list. They cannot be helped. It is not your job to save them. Let them stay lost.
Men give women plenty of direct answers as to what makes men happy. Secrets to getting & keeping men and all of that & they don't care. They don't listen. They don't like the word submission. & frankly, I don't care what they like & don't like. Teamwork has never been about one player unless it's to improve their skills to assist the team. I don't talk about issues men have, I only talk about things I know about that I may spit some game about. If what I said helps you as a man improve, cool. If not, eh you're not perfect. I don't keep negative females on my friends list. I'll inspect the entire profile before I decid to add them, & if they do post something wack I delete them. I do the same with whining ass simp niggas. Emotional niggas. Lame niggas. Weak all of that shit. If I can't soak/chop up game or get a good laugh, shit, there is no point in being friends. There's nothing I can learn from negative females accept how to be lame, & unaccountable & heartbroken about nut ass shit that happened in the past but can't get over it. How to not improve oneself in a positive manner that benefits me. How to not learn from my mistakes dealing with the opposite sex so that next time I'm better prepared, or how to make sure there isn't a next time.
I'm not trying to tell you what to do, you're adults -but- if you're spending all day or a majority of your time arguing with bitches it is a suggestion.
I implore you all to try to only have positive females on your friends list. Women who actually listen to issues men have & don't try to make it about them. But at the same time I implore you to get your act together because no positive woman will want to read your negative bullshit for too long. -SSM 11/12/13

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Submission isn't a Switch to turn on, it's Nature, it is Natural.

I'll leave you all with this-

Something comes to mind when women who aren't submissive try to talk about submission as if it's something they have ever been in their entire lives.

Submission is oppression & that they lose their identity, their opinion, their voice.

How would you know? Submission isn't a switch to turn on, it's nature. Natural. It's not something you see doesn't work and you no longer be that. It's something learn. Taught. Something you had to see. Women of today say that submission is weak but I seriously doubt they'd say that had they seen their mothers being submissive to their fathers.

& Since submission is nature to a woman raised by a woman. You would have no idea what the power in cooperation possesses.

I've used lions as an analogy to prove my point once. How a lioness is submissive to a lion. A human female would never dare call a lioness weak, a lioness is unmatched in power. That's why they have a strong male lead in their lives & you don't. You might even consider the lion weak considering the lioness do all of the hunting you would be surly mistaken. & You lack of respect for nature & male authority shows. You were poorly raised. Like a child playing with his fathers gun. You wield it around with your ignorance & lack of understanding of power. And it surly will be your inevitable doom.

Submissive women never have to worry of losing their voice, & their opinions are valued. It's you. Women who are NOT submissive who struggle with your own identity. You can't even submit to yourselves how can you submit to a man? You struggle with your own identity. You try out being submissive like it's a 30 day trial & you do it with men you made the choice to be with but blame them all for you being poorly raised.

The irony you're trying to be submissive to men who don't even appear capable of leading. 1 child. 2 child. 3 Child. & you still haven't learned. It's not a trial. It's a way of life, it's nature. A natural state. The funny thing is they aren't even trying to fight to have an opinion about something useful or beneficial to a man. It's about the voice to mouth off. To yap all damn day about nonsense without being told to shut up. Bickering. It's not a voice or an opinion on a stock exchange or business idea. It's the right to argue about NOTHING!

I'm friends with plenty of submissive women to know even if I didn't have a mother I'd know how they should act. & you think it's weakness to want to be with women who make a man's life easier & not more difficult? PAH! You've got to be kidding me. Stop talking about something you'll never be, a full women. A cooperative woman is more woman to handle than the average woman can stand. A submissive woman is complete. She feels like a woman when she walks the earth in her natural state. That's the woman other women try to imitate but can't.

Women who aren't submissive need to stop talking about something you know nothing about, have no experience in. & Men need to stop telling women that they desire a submissive woman.

It needs to be in your action's that that's all you will ever fuck with. Arguing over the internet isn't going to get you anywhere. When your action's tell females that; “Hey, I'm that guy.” They'll cooperate. If not, they'll lose out on you & they will feel that & regret it. & When a man is the right one, his action's, his mere presence will let even the mouthiest know that she will submit to him, he won't even say a word. -SSM

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Females that make every about Them

November 7, 2013
I'll leave you all with this-

People I hate with a passion, are those who like to shit on a solution & turn it into a deep problem then it really is, by making it about them.

For instance. I could say that damn near 75% of relationship issues & the so called "war" between men & women would change IF the focus was taken off of making women happy & instead placing the focus on making men happy. You'd see a big change. Marriages. HAPPILY married couples & all the fruitful things you could ever imagine. Happily married women I know make it about their men & their men make them happy in turn. It's been that way with every type of man out there. Men as a sex cannot help but love those who enhance their happiness & will return the favor (within reason.) But you'd never really see people giving that a try because that would make sense & people don't do that nor have the ever tried to actually say it doesn't work.

-BUT- There's always that BITCH, the one who will make it about her & ultimately let everybody around her know how lame she is, & she does that by pointing out that it doesn't matter what you do for a man, run his bath, feed him, fuck him anytime anywhere, whenever however he wants, pack his lunch, cook his dinner, rub his feet, get him a beer, watch football, don't nag, buys him video games. (As I list these things there's some guys wondering where this woman is at.) Just a whole bunch of shit she has never done before.

She'll say that that dude will still cheat or do something that will result in her being as bitter & miserable sounding as her words are. And -IF- She HAS done those things you notice she doesn't listen, which means she's done those things for a man who either isn't happy with himself (or happy period regardless of her,) she does it at particular times when he just ain't in the mood (tries to force it, & also slick with the disrespect to match. Like he's supposed to appreciate attitude behind her actions) OR, something. Females are forever fucking up so who knows what she did. & They will forever blame men for fucking up & expect men to appreciate their fuck up as a way of trying. Like children who do the right thing but it's too late & get mad when you still punish them. NO! he isn't going to appreciate what you just did, it was half assed.

She does all those things that's supposed to make her this great godly good woman on the surface but nobody really knows deep down why things didn't turn out until the other side of the story has emerged with EVIDENCE. (negative aspect of the game.)

Now notice I did say ENHANCE a man's happiness but she ain't listening, she going on about the unhappy fool. Because ENHANCING HAPPINESS, that is what a woman entering into a man's life should do. It's not your job to make him happy but you can try to enhance it & it's your job to not make it hard. You cannot enhance an unhappy motherfucker. you cannot make that happen.

Now i don't care about equality because that's not what I made this for, I don't care about being fair cause life is not & neither am I, -BUT- I hate when men do the same shit. Especially those fools who say things like "It doesn't matter how much game you have, a woman will still- blah, blah, blah (insert blackberry tears of deliciousness.)" You have no game so- we all know you are losing because you are a loser. You give 100% to bitches not even giving you 100% back. Fuck outta here. You gets no sympathy from me but I'll take another cup of those tears.

NONE of you will know love & happiness like the one given to you by a person who is trying to make you happy, giving you 100%. Ya'll just talking puppy dog shit to me.


Sunday, November 3, 2013

$20 Bill Wrapped around a Phone Number

I'll leave it like this

I saw a photo of a woman with a $20 bill wrapped around a phone number & the bitch saying men should take notes like the nigga who handed her money & his phone number. She implied that's how you get a woman to call.

When I saw that shit, I'd rather jack my dick off then to ever spend money on these hoes. Trickin is for lames & that is not what I am.

And if a bitch wanna make fun of me for it I'll say this; my hands is free. You brawds gotta pay to have sex with yourselves being alone for women is costly.

They'd like to make it seem like they are strong & control the cootapuff which gives them power by refusing to have sex but truth is, the average brawd is burning through sex toys & batteries, it's costly to have sex with themselves. They have to pay to fuck themselves. (Lulz.)

Having a man is the only way they can fuck for free unless they use their hands. Which a lot of them get bored. & with the sales of sex toys a billion dollar industry you know females ain't just using their hands & they burn out sex toys. It's cheaper to act right & keep him. (Lulz.)

Lulz, they gotta pay. To be with themselves. While as a man, it's cheaper to be by yourself, not keep her.

Anybody else laughing?

I'm so anti-simp. Anti-trick. Anti-lame, that I wouldn't spend money on hoes in a video game either. I finish gta a & the report card tried to imply that I might be a homosexual. I never once went inside a strip club or pulled hoes off the road. It's Crazy how the game is about fantasy, yet you can't even be a dude who doesn't pay for pussy. It's bananas. Bonkers. Ludicrous.

Dudes out here paying for affection. Hugs. Phone numbers. It's pathetic. What?! I said you're pathetic. Look at ya.

I got enough game to pull a bitch, have them doing things no guy has every made them do & Fucked them. Why would I have to pay? Why should I?

Mane, you dudes need to get it together. The economy is bad so I know there ain't a lot of sugar daddy's out here for them hoes so they are getting what is being thrown their way instead of- ha ha ha. Can't go no deeper. -SSM

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

People never do what makes Sense

People never do what makes sense. The do the opposite of what makes sense. I once did a questionnaire in a few groups & ask men & women claiming to be "good" men & women. I asked them what they were attracted to when it came to the opposite sex. They all gave answers towards where many of them matched up to each other. I then asked why they didn't hook up & make something happen amongst themselves since they had qualities they all claimed they wanted. & they said to me "just because someone was good, doesn't mean they are good for you" What?! That doesn't make sense at all. Either they were lying or really stupid. I've never seen a group of people complain about there not being enough good men/women & then when there is evidence that there is, all of a sudden they aren't your type. They aren't good for you. What?! People don't do what makes sense, they do the complete opposite. -SSM  10/30/13 @6:01pm

Sunday, October 13, 2013

It’s the first annual Stop Simping Ugly Pageant

For some reason, wack brawds think their opinions matter, and they don't, thus she made the first annual STOP Simping Ugly Pageant.

This ugly jawn tried to troll SSM. -SSM

DiDi Fuq’Ya Tea shared a link. 1 hour ago · [10/12/13 at 4:53 PM]
Who ever own this page has definite insecurities about his own masculinity and is trying to encourage other men to not be “simps” When in all actuality he is very much a simp himself. -DiDi Fuq’Ya Tea

This bitch would attempt to troll the page from at least 3 other accounts, 

You definitely stupid, & broke. You’re a hoodrat for sure.
I don’t believe your question lulz. You’re trying too hard to be tough. This is the internet & cowards find courage behind a keyboard. -SSM 
didifuqyatea asked a question
How sweet of you to continue to acknowledge the fact that I emasculated you on facebook! The funny thing is that you erased my post that called you out as a simp yourself then posted a picture of me on your tumblr page thinking that I would see it. Your balls are in my hand baby! Simp LMAO I humbly accept the award of being the winner of yo FIRST ever ugly pageant. Because only simps get their jimmies rustled and try to degrade and otherwise highly intelligent gorgeous specimen of chocolate. - didifuqyatea.

she's even following me on Tumblr & tried to follow me on twitter but I blocked her. I banned all 4 of her facebook accounts, that's a record, I've never had someone try to troll from 4 different accounts. I had a white feminist brawd try it, but she got the same treatment.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Females & their bio's

Females & their bio's. When it reads like this-
"I have no time for games, drama, BS, liars, cheaters.....and all that other negative stuff"
That lets me know all you do is lose & all you do is entertain lames.
If you were ever lucky enough to come across a true one. You wouldn't know how to act around him or treat him.
Brawds stay Fucking up. A lot!
But like to ask;
"Why do men treat a good woman bad but treat women that's bad to them good"
Your track record ain't spotless. You aren't a woman of quality in the first place. Kill the questions. 10/12/13

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Stop Simping Ugly Pageant; the Prequel

This eyesore should have made the first annual Stop Simping Ugly Pageant-

I banned this chick a few days ago, she’s a troll. A while ago we went back and forth on a post about bitches giving out fake phone numbers and how to deal with the situation, she admitted on the post she had done what I was instructing the male followers to avoid and appeared mad that I did. Towards where we went back and forth on quite a few other post which caused me to roast her on because she was being antagonizing which I came to the conclusion she wasn’t a real supporter of My page, but a troll. She was dumb enough to admit that she only followed the page for entertainment. Not because she supported me or my content. Who the fuck goes around liking pages they don’t support other than a lame brawd with no life? She said she was married and her photos indicate she has kids but where does she find the time for her husband and kids to be antagonizing to pages she does not like or support? She must fuck her dildo’s more than her husband, I can’t think of him being a stand up guy. A man of quality if she’s sitting around the house trolling facebook pages all day he’s a simp. A henpecked sucker. This bitch ain’t got a life. -SSM
MrzSunkissed Booth

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Women Claim They Want A Stand Up Guy But-

Women claim they want a stand up guy but try & make him sit down.

Far as I'm concerned women who Fuck with simps are gay, a bunch of men with no dick & no balls are not men at all.

Simps have no integrity or honor amongst themselves, they are ass kissers & brown nosers. You want a simp, go to church. It's full of captain save a ho's & if you want to save a ho the churches are full of sanctified ho's waiting for a simp to save them.

"You sucked a dick Saturday, Miss? Well today is Sunday & I forgive you. Bless your heart you're here trying to change." *5 thumbs down*

We simps here will walk ahead of our women so we may catch the first door & open it. If it is a chair, we will pull it out for our women. We are here to serve our women in a subservient manner kneeling, we cut off our dicks & balls. We no longer need them. As our women Fuck other men & only need us to face sit. Raise your glasses in the air. SIMP! SIMP!
Isn't life grand. -SSM 9/8/13@2:36pm

Monday, August 26, 2013

Women of Today

Women of today will not hesitate to say that; 

Men of today, have no respect for women and weren't raised right by their father's to learn how to treat women.
Which is funny, cause the same could be said about women and their daughters.
Today's woman do not know how to treat a man, today's women do not know how to be respectful to men. Today's women expects a man to be a gentleman and chivalrous but she herself isn't ladylike or submissive.
There's not a feminine bone in their body. They don't even want a true gentleman by definition of a classy nice guy who at the same time takes none of her Shit. Like a Denzel Washington. They want a gentleman by their definition.
They say we have a generation of men, who aren't respectful towards women. But it ain't like we have a generation of ladylike, submissive FEMININE women who are respectful TOWARDS THE MEN, for them to WANT to be respectful gentlemen TOWARDS THE WOMEN (by nature might I add.)
We have SOME gentlemen. But not the kind women want, they don't entertain women who don't know how to treat them. They are not simps. They like classy, ladylike women. We have TRUE gentlemen. With backbone. They are not the kind of men women of today can handle. They are not the kind of gentlemen by a woman's definition in today's day & age.
These are not some back breaking slaves that women can run all over and use. Like a simp. They are not the kind women are look for.
"Father's are suppose to teach their sons how to treat women."
And the lack of ladylike, submissive, FEMININE women falls under the MOTHER'S responsibility. MOTHER'S are supposed to teach their daughters how to submissive and ladylike. Feminine.
I've said that it's in the nature of a submissive woman to be submissive, well it's in the nature of a man to treat her how she acts. You can't help but respect that kind of female. -SSM

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Future sight

Being able to see something before it happens.

Like a problem that starts off small but grows bigger.

I've been in situations where a female I had on the team couldn't handle her own issues. She lacked the capabilities to be submissive to herself and in the end it's what caused me to charge her because I saw a problem I should solve immediately before it became something I'd deal with on the daily basis and couldn't.

Sometimes we foresee the end of a relationship or problems early on in said relationship & it's up to the individual to end things before it becomes a nuisance late on down the line.

Red flags as they are called. I've learned to read people and I will not make more work for myself if my woman is supposed to be making it easy for me, life is hard enough as is & women are supposed to be the image of peace, warmth and what makes a man happy but not if she has her own issues, insecurities, lacks the ability to cooperate & follow simple instructions. Who needs those issues down the line? That's why I see females and males ad full of shit when they are unaccountable for the outcome of their relationship.

"They changed on me, they weren't that way before, people change, it's no way I could have saw that coming, I didn't see the signs."

Lies, all lies. You did see the signs. You were too much of a coward to do anything.
There's only so much "checking a bitch" I will do before I see; "she's not going to cooperate, better fire her ass." And I'll leave it as that, that's all I got to say about that. Peace -SSM 8/24/13

Monday, August 19, 2013

Women that fuck too soon

I'll leave you all with this....
Dudes who say they do not respect women who sleep with them too early, sleep with them on the first date or like females that make em wait are some straight up SIMPS.

They say they lose respect for females who sleep with them too soon & that shit says a lot about those simps since they are sleeping with her, you are really losing respect for yourself.

It's like you're saying;

"She's out of your league, you don't deserve to have her, she should be Fucking someone else & not your simp ass"

that's what you simps sound like you are saying.

She's supposed to be cooperating with you why would you be cool with her making you wait?

Why would you feel like you have to work for it if she's cooperating why are you working toward earning her? She's supposed to earn you, earn the right to fuck you.

A woman is a reflection of you, so if she's a slut & you lose respect for her for having sex with you & not making you wait, then that makes you a simp with no respect for yourself and everything negative you got to say about her can be said about you.

Basically; if you lose respect for her for sleeping with you too soon.what does that say about you, SIMP?

As far as I am concerned she's Fucking with me & if she feels like a slut for having sex with me on the first night or too soon it's like she calling me a slut & I ain't no slut.

I don't just Fuck anybody she's lucky I'm even Fucking her. -SSM

 August 19, 2013

Thursday, August 8, 2013

When approaching females...

It's pretty lame of a brawd to get upset that you're spitting at other females after you spit at them as if they are special & they haven't done a damn thing for you. 

They act as if they should be the only one you spit at as if they are special or some shit...
THEEEEEEEN!!! When you reach out to females, trying to set something up they like to play phone tag as if to put you in the average guy category.

Fellas as far as I am concerned a chick that has done nothing for me is just another brawd with a vagina. So, when you are hitting up a brawd, trying to reach out, yanno, call them up. You should give them a few chances to get back at you before you delete their numbers and move on. Brawds like to think we're just waiting around for them sitting by the phone like we are average dudes who are happy to hear from them 2 weeks after they've exercised their options. 

You got females who like to play "phone tag" they've text or call you when they don't have the options and they like to text or call you when they FEEL like it. Far as I'm concerned I want a chick to hit me up the same day I hit her up & if she doesn't, then I'm expecting the next day otherwise by the 3rd she's been charged. I'm not for the phone tag, I'm the #1 draft pick. Yea she got other dudes in her ear but as far as I'm concerned them dudes ain't me & they ain't spitting like me. The dudes she got in her ear are average & I'm spitting game. They are downgrades who think trying everything they can to get some pussy is game & it ain't I got the upgrade. 

Whenever females pull this type of bullshit it's like she's comparing you to the average guy.
And if she does hit you up past your limit (her expiration date) you ask her; "who is this?" Brawds like to think they matter so when they hit you up out of the blue and you ask them; "who is this?" They get their feelings hurt and a reality check that they don't matter.

You matter when you're doing something for me, or showing me you are about something. -SSM 8/8/13

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Lace & Waste of Time

I'll leave you all with this check out this post. That was sent to me from my homie-

Lace & Waste of Time

I’ve seen this mentioned a few times about lacing chicks. Some people believe that when a chick is acting out and being game goofy that she needs some good game to get her back in line. I believe that when she’s doing this she needs to be left to the lames she identifies with (why reward bad behavior). You can utilize the game to whip a person into shape (if they’re still susceptible to verbal whippings) but why waste the energy? (Rhetorical) It’s far easier to pull a chick that is already receptive than to whip a broad into submission. I’ve told homies before that adults should already come with certain life skills in place along with a certain level of respect in place; if that’s missing then she needs a father not a man. We upgrade these women not raise these women. So, with this in mind, why spend time dealing with uncooperative broads. My homie’s mentor has told him before that these chicks that are hard to crack end up being the most loyal once you pull them. Rosebudd has even once said that if your game is on point then you can pull the most uncooperative broads and make them get down with your program. This may be true or may not be true but what remains a fact is that pimps fire hoes that can’t obey their rules; they distance themselves from hardheaded hoes that act like viruses to their stables, so with this in mind it’s fair to say that they don’t waste time on bitches that just won’t cooperate either. They lace and spend time with those that show promise. With this in mind you should focus on doing the same unless you like having headaches in your life.

One last thing that I want to add. No matter how thorough you believe your game to be, if it’s not being received than it’s just words floating in the wind. 8/6/13@11:05pm

Nice Guy vs The Simp

if nice Guys were really "nice guys" they'd be nice to EVERYBODY not just a cute girl. Cute girls see you're only nice to them & not other girls & they know you only want to smash "nice guys" so they do to "nice guys" what "nice guys" planned to do to the fine bitches, they get what they want out of them (use) then discard them.
I mean let's be real. Are "nice guys" really nice guys? When was the last time you "nice guys" took a big jawn or an ugly brawd out? Gave ole ladies rides, opened doors for everybody, not just a fly shawty but anybody? All the effort you put in to being nice to the cute looking home girl but not the same effort to a big jawn or a ugly jawn or shit any jawn for that matter?
See, I can admit that I'm not a nice guy or a gentleman.
I do what I want when I want because I can, sometimes I hold the door open for somebody, women, children and men included. Sometimes I might help a chick carry her stroller up/down a set of steps in places, sometimes I'll look at her and keep on going, fuck that, she should've Fucked somebody who cared about her, Shit she looks ungrateful and has an attitude.
I do what I feel like doing if I feel like doing it. If I am in the mood to do it. I don't believe in karma or things coming back to bite me in the ass because I move forward & my bullheadedness. I don't worry about anything. If I was on a bus or train & somebody needed a seat I'd give it up if I'm close to my destination or don't really need it. But if I didn't feel like it, fuck her she should've Fucked somebody with a car. I'm not giving anybody a ride, gas is expensive and friendship & good luck don't pay for gas, I don't ask people for shit I can't give back.
Does it make me a bad guy, I guess. Do I care? If It doesn't benefit me, I don't. But at least people would know I'm not after anything when I do something genuine. Consider me a poorly trained charizard.  -SSM  9/6/13

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Effects of the Ism

Power of the ISM!!!

When females are feeling that ISM full frontal it sends them to a state of euphoria. They begin hanging on every word you say like
 a trance. Their pussies get wet and their eyes fill with desire. They don’t want to leave your presence. They’ll even try to revisit you again on the same day just to experience that euphoria again. 
Once that ISM kicks in all disagreements they had with you before cease to exist. They immediately start choosing you regardless of what reservations they previously had. Barriers crumble as you push their comfort levels; things they never thought they’d be doing start happening blissfully. Dignity and pride go out of the window for the sake of maintaining your company. Tears may even ensue. This is the power of the ISM. This post I got from my homie who owns the Worldly Game blog, it pIggy backs off of the Effects of the ISM post below. 4/22/14

Effects of the ISM

The Effects of ISM.
If the ism flowing in and out of you is right;
She’s gonna suffer a withdraw without the ism,
She's gonna run into people reminding her, of you.
She'll try to talk herself out of hitting you up, knowing damn well it's gonna just attract her more and more to your game.
She won't sleep or eat right, putting her health at risk & not even be bothered with anybody else, family, friends, coworkers etc., don't matter she'll cut people off, so-called trying to wean herself off of you, that ism. That drug she gets high on.
Movement 7/31/13
She'll go through stress & depression. Her whole world will fall apart without you being there giving her the quality she needs. When she comes back, she'll wonder how she can make it right with you & fix it. Taking full fault in her emotional decision to leave in the first place. She will pay double price or whatever the fee to fix it, just to get that second chance. –Stop Simping
This was a comment (below) left on my post effect of the ISM on the UPA Forum-
It’s the fighting of demons within her mind of you. She’ll sacrifice herself to the streets to go against this (cheap dates and stolen moments to those men of a lesser degree). She’ll go without sex for a long period or give out sex on a platter for the escapism of it all. The hate mongerer’s who oppose the true game she has accepted from you will give her abused tools to use in the hope that she will break free. They’ll tell her the grass is greener without you, and she’ll believe that bullshit until she discovers the grass upon which they spoke of is artificial turf. Time reveals all. –DGFAB (Don’t Give A Fuck About A Bitch)

*Edited in*

Here's a post I got from another blog Sexcapades of a Kitten, she talks about the effects of ISM from the perspective of a woman, so you can kinda get full details in this article I Love Being A Bottom Bitch I love when I read about stuff I already said, and when it comes out the mouth of someone else, it just reassures what I've been saying.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

How to be a Woman

Once upon a time, I, a Man, created a successful facebook page called;

 May 2, 2013 the day the page was created.

Originally it was called a Feminine touch Women against feminist, but after asking the opinion of a cohort of mine, I made some changes to the page and changed the name to; "How to be a Woman".


I made the admins of the page

σтυѕ - aka (Patricia Grundy Vann)

& Myself.

You can see me in the group conversation between the other admins,...

Err, sort of, I wasn't going to say much but be a manager & give advice from time to time, (after all, this is a page I was going to cosign), I made them content creators and was going to go off and do my own thing, and left them do theirs, after all, How to be a Woman was suppose to be a page like the STOP Simping Movement, where females can get game from women. Kinda like the female counter part of the SSM. I should probably mention; All 3 of them were followers of the SSM, it was a post I made last year that led to the idea of a female counterpart of the SSM. There was going to be a 4th admin, but she was all talk & no action. (she never got back to us on it).

I'd invite friends, & family to help support the page, they were suppose to as well, I didn't know shawty would buy sponsored posts, I never paid to make SSM as successful as it was, I didn't need to with H2BAW. Anyway. 

As I said in the Negative Aspect of the GameThe page is so successful because of all the game that I laced Patricia with, I'd ask my cohort her opinion about the page, and at first she said she liked the other 2 admins, but σтυѕ came off as being a doormat. 

I would then go on to lace the admins on improving the content, they did, they got better, accept Patricia. Patricia continued posting as a doormat.

Patricia would show jealousy towards her other fellow admins, because I gave them praise for stepping it up, and she didn't, so I did not give her any compliment. Note; (I blurred out one name, because I have no issues with her. The other one however, Sumayyah, would block me, thus taking Patricia's side of it without knowing mine). When Patricia asked me why I gave them compliments, I decided to ask her why she thought being agreeable was being submissive, 

and thus you see, she is a fraud. She's not a submissive woman. She thinks being submissive meant being a doormat, being agreeable. And when I corrected her on that, she would show even more of her fraudulent behavior. 

A submissive woman wouldn't have said any of the shit she said. And if what she said was true, why did she have so many bad relationships? They likely saw it the same way I did. Or simply didn't want to put up with her mouth, which she did say in the past was her issue (go figure). I tried to end the conversation before it could turn into an argument....


It was just more jealousy over her co-admins. And then outright out of pocket...

And more jealousy over her co-admins. This isn't the mouth of a submissive woman. 

This became so ridiculous, she was jealous over two other women that one was married (the blurred out one), and the other had a boyfriend. I wasn't even dealing with them, and she knew how I got down even if I were dealing with them. The life just wasn't for her, she like many other women try to fake it til they make it and in the end, they end up fucking it up for themselves. It wasn't going to be the same as the first time because she didn't even give it time to get to that point, it was like she wanted another chance to correct things but you don't just get back in the spot you left, you left, we start over, deal with it or get lost, eventually I'd charge it and her to the game. 

I then didn't want to hear anymore of her shit, blocked her, then removed myself as admin of the page, unliked and stopped following. 

Can't have no fraud running something I created, using my name and credibility, they could have the page. I was trying to slide out silently, but I guess she couldn't handle rejection well. So, she would try to use that simp ass dude, Juan Rich; the SIMP of Last Year to do her dirty work, and notice he's such the fuck up since I did the Negative Aspect of the Game video, shitting on this mane and her credibility, there was supposed to be a voice mail of me simping, and messages of me simping, I put that bullshit to rest, and still no voice mail.

This bitch had insecurities like a motherfucker,

and she's trying to give dating and relationship advice? She has demons, and they are not on her side. Also; One of the admins (*~Azalea )  found out how much of a fraud Patricia was too, and she would go on to leave as well, though likely not they way she wanted.