I'll leave you all with this...
I was listening to Tom Leykis & it's the show about putting Habanero sauce in condoms you throw in the trash after Fucking a brawd.
I had a theory, whenever women call up to the show to agree with his idea, I noticed they always had a man with a child in his life who didn't know about the sauce.
In my opinion.
They only get it (what Tom is saying) & other bitches are crazy when she's not getting his time, energy and money at 100%.
When she isn't the mother of his child, she really thinks bitches are lame only because they're garnishing his wages. Which SHE could be spending MORE of if the other bitch and the kid wasn't there.
You gotta use your third eye in situations like this because no woman ever called the show who DIDN'T have a boyfriend paying another brawd child support and you have to wonder. Do women really ,really think women are crazy and bitches that need to get a life, or do they really pity men only because they're not getting his full wages. Third eye brothas.
Habanero Condom 3/29/13