
Friday, June 19, 2015

Know Your Rights!

To this day, I have never been in jail, never been locked up or arrested for a crime, never been stopped or harassed by cops, I've had probably one bad experience with a cop, and he started it.

Still, while avoiding legal troubles, I would never post videos telling black people to stop resisting arrest & to do as you're told, I would never tell you all to "this is how you avoid getting killed by police, I'm a good negro, follow my lead".

Despite not having legal troubles, I hate cops, you have rights, I know my rights & from what I see in videos recorded around America, your rights are being violated in every single video, you don't know your own rights, but that doesn't mean yours aren't violated. To me, making videos & posts about how to avoid legal troubles by complying with the cops, & stop resisting arrest, that's some c**n shit right there.

You can avoid legal troubles by knowing your rights, if you haven't broken the law, and cops are harassing you, there really isn't much you can do to avoid getting unlawfully arrested.

Don't consent to any searches, they will search you anyway. If they read you your rights, exercise your rights, ask to speak to a lawyer & remain silent, you don't have to cooperate any information, especially without a lawyer present.

If you aren't being arrested, "I am I being detained or am I free to go", should be the only thing you say if they stop you, again; you don't have to answer any questions or give up any information, telling them you know your rights when they are harassing you, will not keep them from arresting you unlawfully. If they tell you you're not being detained walk away, you're not breaking any laws, they don't have probable cause (PC) to detain you, if they follow you and keep asking questions, continue asking them if you're being detained or free to go, you might even go as far as to say you will not say anything without a lawyer present.

Knowing your rights can also be a good way to troll police for harassing you. White people watch the same videos I mentioned earlier, and they always say black people are resisting arrest & or not complying with the law, despite the fact that that isn't true, that's the benefits of them being white & privileged, they don't know their own rights, the same rights we have, the day when the tables turn, they WILL resist arrest & will not comply with the law.


Friday, June 12, 2015

Homophobia/Transphobia are not real words

Homophobia & transphobia are not real words, & they aren't classified as real fears.

Both are nothing more than shaming tactics or language.

Homosexuality is a choice, it doesn't matter if you don't agree, there is no scientific proof of a gay gene, also; if you're an adult that doesn't agree it's a choice, I'm going to assume you haven't made your choice & can't take you seriously. You weren't even old enough to make a choice or have sexual attraction to any gender to be born gay or straight, so good luck with that argument.

Knowing homosexuality is a choice doesn't make me fear or hate homosexuals, the only language I understand is green ($$$), if you're a homosexual, that is a good thing. There are people who would refuse to do business with you, which is foolish on their part.

I don't believe in God, so I have no obligations towards scripture to hate you or have an issue with your way of living. Even if I did believe in God, I still wouldn't give a shit because I do what I want, & whether god exist or not, he's gonna have to cool with me doing whatever the fuck I want. Using bible scripture against me won't work, because I don't care what it says, I have read the bible, a lot of you- no the vast majority of people, no sexual orientation attached, are hypocrites! Only a very small amount of people who believe in god, actually follow god.
Ironic part of my post, despite not being a believer, many people my homies included say that God wants me to do whatever I want. I already help those in need (provided they are sappers of power), so I walk the path of righteous without being told. That is all.


Sexual Orientation IS a Choice!

For anybody that says being a homosexual/heterosexual
isn't a choice, it's just natural-

What separates humans from animals, is animals act on their natural instincts, & humans have a choice, they make decisions.

You put 2 male dogs together all they'll do is play, they will never fuck because IT IS NOT NATURAL.

You talking about acting natural & it's hardwired to be gay or straight, by that logic your nature could be gay, since you haven't made a choice.

2/27/14 @8:08pm

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Taking Black Empowerment Seriously...Or Not!

Black empowerment/conscious groups on social media are a joke!

I have been added to a few over the years & they are all the same; attention whoring, pseudo intellectuals, & pussy pandering. Lots of worthless discussions, none leading towards power or more money.

Bitches posting photos of themselves, bitches making post about the black woman's vagina being heaven, & men cosigning the fuckery.

None of this shit has anything to do with black empowerment, what the hell does pics of you, and pandering to bitches got to do with seizing some property & splitting the dividends? Or picking politicians to buy? What does the black woman's vagina have to do with black empowerment? And usually, it's old black women saying that shit, ugly & sometimes fat, it's like; look at you, trying to make your worthless ass seem important, you're not!

You can take black people seriously, because they have yet to get serious! Black folks act like; if oppression & blatant racism hasn't happened to them, then white supremacy ain't their problem.

We talk about group economics, & criticize black celebrities for not practicing group economics, but non celebrity blacks are the only ones not practicing it, you, the little people don't support your own people!

Look at black celebrities, particularly the entertainers like rappers, they make music together, feature each other in songs, start labels & groups together. Black actors start their own production studios, & make their own directorial debuts, they make movies & the cast is damn near all black, say what you want about spike Lee, Tyler Perry, Ice Cube & many others, say what you want about their movies, but at least they make their own shit & do it with their own people, they practice group economics way more than you, the people ever could.

Floyd Mayweather's entire camp is full of black people, he's an independent boxer & also a boxer promoter, all of his fights since he became independent have been promoted by him, including the fight vs Manny. The fight between he and Manny took so long to happen because Manny wanted half, Floyd was the champ, and he was the reason the fight could happen, he was the reason it got promoted, Manny was signed, Manny is not an independent boxer, he is under contract, he was out of his fucking mind for asking for half, when he didn't put up shit, all he had to do was show up & fight! Floyd's whole team is black, he employed black, he does business with black. His personal chef, the one preparing all of his meals, is black, matter fact, she's a black woman.

Celebrities practice group economics, it's the rest of us that have yet to get on the ball. -SSM