
Monday, November 25, 2013

A Man must be a Man at all Cost

A man must be a man at all cost, masculinity should be his aura. A man must stand on his own two feet, he must have a set of rules he follows that keep him in line, he has to have a code that he adheres to.
He must have integrity, honor, valor. He must be a man. Whether you believe him to be bad or good will not take away the fact that he is a man because that's how he holds himself. There must be something that he just won't stand for.
My set of principles that I stand on without a shadow of a doubt, is I will not stand for mistreatment of children or abuse of children. I could give a damn about women getting their asses beat by another man. They make the choice of being with him, if I ever saw or heard a woman getting her ass beat I wouldn't do shit but go on about my life, I'm not no gotdamn superhero. I'm not Superman. & I'm not saying abusing women or beating them up is ok, but Women have the power to leave & don't.
But a child. That's different. That's the only reason I'd step in to defend someone is if it were a child. Children cannot defend themselves & they don't have the power to leave. If I ever saw somebody hitting a child like they were an adult I'd whip their ass until they apologized begging for mercy & then I'd make them apologize to their kid. If you're going to hit your kid, it better be out of my sight.
Child abuse pisses me off, mistreating children pisses me off. If I ever heard someone beating on a child I'd call the cops on them as well. We're not talking ass whoopings as in discipline, that's different. But straight up beating on a child like they are adults mane I won't stand for that shit. -SSM 11/25/13

Monday, November 18, 2013

Red Flag

There's a red flag to be raised as to why a single mom would wonder why she's single & why men are't approaching her. Single moms only wonder why they are single & don't get approached by single men with NO CHILDREN. Not men with kids.
Do you see posts up on Facebook trying to shame single father's into dating a woman with kids? No! I didn't think so. The post shame men without kids.
Remember it said something like; "takes a strong man to accept someone else's child & step up to the plate another man left on the table."
That message isn't directed at single father's. It's directed at ALL OF YOU. Those of you WITHOUT any children. Notice it didn't say anything about single mother's getting with single father's & making that so called "broken family" whole again.
Single mother's already have an already made family. They seem so against dating someone else with children. & dating someone who has them. If you won't date single father's why should a man without children date you? Because you're unique like the other million and so on baby momma's.
I saw in a group a brawd said it was so hard to find a man without children & this bitch had kids. Hard to find is right. Cause they are not looking to play save a hoe. Not to mention that bullshit about not having to help out or get involved. What if you "fall in love" with the nigga & marry him, by law their his kids. If you are in a relationship & living together they are his kids. You might have the night talk to your kids one day. The kids might see him coming & going. They will cross paths.
Are you really going to get with a dude with no kids & never expect not to ask him or him having to do something for your kids?
Fellas if you believe in that malarkey, just cut your dick off, you violated the rule. -SSM 11/18/13

Immature Fantasies

Chicks have the most immature fantasies, little girl shit. Barbie Dreamworld type fantasies as grown women with or without children & have the nerve to call men who play video games or collect figurines, immature boys. They say men need to grow up.
There use to be a time women were planning their weddings ever since they were little girls, now that they are older it's little epic moments to attention whore up shared on social media.
Things like; "Dear future husband, please propose in this location of an isolated field in the spring with your best friend holding a camera taking a photo of the momentous occasion. *giggles*
Some of you have noticed the childish meme's of; "if you love her, show it in front of everybody." "When she's upset, hold her, let her knows you care" (SCSA voice) What?!
"Kiss her in public." & that's just the shit made by brawds with teenager fantasy nonsense. I won't even start on the afrocentric, problack garbage it would be too much to type like; "God made her, she's a queen, not a hoe"
(SCSA voice) What?!

She's a hoe if she was sent to the track & a slut if she's smashing dudes for no fee.
All that unrealistic movies scene bullshit. "If you love me, come to the airport & stop me from getting on an airplane & kiss me infront of everyone after you propse." Little girl nonsense.
"Stand up in front of an entire crowd people & tell me you love me with a megaphone.
If there is a such thing as too much pda that's it. -SSM 11/18/13

Two Types Of Feminist

There are two types of feminist.

The first ones are like "we share equal rights and we should help and support women who have been abused."


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Are you the 1st or 2nd Round Draft Pick?

Females make me laugh at the shit they pull that they are use to pulling on weak ass dudes.
Had an old flame send me a text message. Picture text message. But I didn't have her number anymore cause I delete bitches numbers when we not doing shit together anymore or they aren't benefiting me. So I asked who was it? As a response.
I delete bitches numbers for another reason for them thinking I'm a back up nigga whenever their relationships end with the main or other niggas.
I'm not anybody's back up dick or go to nigga, I'm the number 1 draft pick. & if you hit me up like I'm a second rate dude I'ma deflate your ego by asking who you are. Cause I'm a saved number in your phone but you are not in mine & I forgot about you.
& you know a bitches pride is hurt when she don't even tell you who she is but will pretend she didn't mean to hit you up. That just makes it worse cause like I said. Why do you still have my number?
& if she does tell me who she is I will treat her like we just met. Ain't no starting where we left off, we are starting over. & you got to work harder than the last time -SSM 11/17/13

Friday, November 15, 2013

"Not all women are the same"

I'll leave you all with this-

"Not all women are the same"
If you believe that saying. You are gullible.
Ever thought that you were a gentleman yet that ladies still weren't digging you? So you asked them for their advice & criticism in hopes that they tell you the secret to figuring them out? Then you talk about the abuse & lack of respect for a gentleman like yourself & chivalry is dead & they told you to "keep being you & don't change for nobody." You should continue being chivalrous even if it goes unappreciated, have you heard that before or read it?
Why are you taking advice on the opposite sex FROM the opposite sex.
Think about it, the same opposite sex that told you not to let what a few women did to you in the past change who you are
-Meaning- keep making the same mistakes over & over & over & over & over again. Sound familiar? No?
"Men ain't Shit" does that remind you of something?
From the very sex that told you not to change who you are even though you continually make the same mistakes in the dating world.
The irony is females when they are fed up, they don't learn from their mistakes. They try to cover it up by changing their look & attitude not for the better but for the worse. Like cutting their hair, a bunch of rebellious tattoos, slutty clothing, the sudden promiscuity. The constant complaints that people are using them & they are cutting them loose. Fake friends. They are loyal but no one else is the list goes on. BORING!
You'd be better off to remember this: All women are the same, some are smarter than others, some are dumber. Some have game & a vast majority don't.
While remembering that they are all the same you learn what works & what doesn't whenever a relationship (or just a brief encounter) doesn't work out. You can improve where you need to thus becoming a better man of quality. You can avoid pitfalls that other men couldn't because you learned. You improved. You got game, soon women & relationships become a game to win because you know the rules & even the tricks. You aren't blindsided by the new tricks either because you handle them just like the old. You don't become a bitter man you become a warrior on the battlefield who if I may steal a line from fight club. You were cookie dough & now a statue  chiseled out of stone. -SSM 11/15/13

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Cleanse Your Friends List

You all SHOULD cleanse your friends list of all negative females.

Negative would include; females who argue with you. Any antagonizing brawds who also play professional victim.
Any time you share content from a page addressing issues men have or just game period & a brawd makes comments about females, cut her loose. She is either not listening or listening but does not care. "Men do it too, & not all women" chicks should be eliminated. Brawds who share posts about sucker shit, "real men do __________ insert sucker shit, I implore you to get rid of them too.
Any other females with negative mindset's, not trying to move forward & be held accountable should not be on your list. They cannot be helped. It is not your job to save them. Let them stay lost.
Men give women plenty of direct answers as to what makes men happy. Secrets to getting & keeping men and all of that & they don't care. They don't listen. They don't like the word submission. & frankly, I don't care what they like & don't like. Teamwork has never been about one player unless it's to improve their skills to assist the team. I don't talk about issues men have, I only talk about things I know about that I may spit some game about. If what I said helps you as a man improve, cool. If not, eh you're not perfect. I don't keep negative females on my friends list. I'll inspect the entire profile before I decid to add them, & if they do post something wack I delete them. I do the same with whining ass simp niggas. Emotional niggas. Lame niggas. Weak all of that shit. If I can't soak/chop up game or get a good laugh, shit, there is no point in being friends. There's nothing I can learn from negative females accept how to be lame, & unaccountable & heartbroken about nut ass shit that happened in the past but can't get over it. How to not improve oneself in a positive manner that benefits me. How to not learn from my mistakes dealing with the opposite sex so that next time I'm better prepared, or how to make sure there isn't a next time.
I'm not trying to tell you what to do, you're adults -but- if you're spending all day or a majority of your time arguing with bitches it is a suggestion.
I implore you all to try to only have positive females on your friends list. Women who actually listen to issues men have & don't try to make it about them. But at the same time I implore you to get your act together because no positive woman will want to read your negative bullshit for too long. -SSM 11/12/13

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Submission isn't a Switch to turn on, it's Nature, it is Natural.

I'll leave you all with this-

Something comes to mind when women who aren't submissive try to talk about submission as if it's something they have ever been in their entire lives.

Submission is oppression & that they lose their identity, their opinion, their voice.

How would you know? Submission isn't a switch to turn on, it's nature. Natural. It's not something you see doesn't work and you no longer be that. It's something learn. Taught. Something you had to see. Women of today say that submission is weak but I seriously doubt they'd say that had they seen their mothers being submissive to their fathers.

& Since submission is nature to a woman raised by a woman. You would have no idea what the power in cooperation possesses.

I've used lions as an analogy to prove my point once. How a lioness is submissive to a lion. A human female would never dare call a lioness weak, a lioness is unmatched in power. That's why they have a strong male lead in their lives & you don't. You might even consider the lion weak considering the lioness do all of the hunting you would be surly mistaken. & You lack of respect for nature & male authority shows. You were poorly raised. Like a child playing with his fathers gun. You wield it around with your ignorance & lack of understanding of power. And it surly will be your inevitable doom.

Submissive women never have to worry of losing their voice, & their opinions are valued. It's you. Women who are NOT submissive who struggle with your own identity. You can't even submit to yourselves how can you submit to a man? You struggle with your own identity. You try out being submissive like it's a 30 day trial & you do it with men you made the choice to be with but blame them all for you being poorly raised.

The irony you're trying to be submissive to men who don't even appear capable of leading. 1 child. 2 child. 3 Child. & you still haven't learned. It's not a trial. It's a way of life, it's nature. A natural state. The funny thing is they aren't even trying to fight to have an opinion about something useful or beneficial to a man. It's about the voice to mouth off. To yap all damn day about nonsense without being told to shut up. Bickering. It's not a voice or an opinion on a stock exchange or business idea. It's the right to argue about NOTHING!

I'm friends with plenty of submissive women to know even if I didn't have a mother I'd know how they should act. & you think it's weakness to want to be with women who make a man's life easier & not more difficult? PAH! You've got to be kidding me. Stop talking about something you'll never be, a full women. A cooperative woman is more woman to handle than the average woman can stand. A submissive woman is complete. She feels like a woman when she walks the earth in her natural state. That's the woman other women try to imitate but can't.

Women who aren't submissive need to stop talking about something you know nothing about, have no experience in. & Men need to stop telling women that they desire a submissive woman.

It needs to be in your action's that that's all you will ever fuck with. Arguing over the internet isn't going to get you anywhere. When your action's tell females that; “Hey, I'm that guy.” They'll cooperate. If not, they'll lose out on you & they will feel that & regret it. & When a man is the right one, his action's, his mere presence will let even the mouthiest know that she will submit to him, he won't even say a word. -SSM

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Females that make every about Them

November 7, 2013
I'll leave you all with this-

People I hate with a passion, are those who like to shit on a solution & turn it into a deep problem then it really is, by making it about them.

For instance. I could say that damn near 75% of relationship issues & the so called "war" between men & women would change IF the focus was taken off of making women happy & instead placing the focus on making men happy. You'd see a big change. Marriages. HAPPILY married couples & all the fruitful things you could ever imagine. Happily married women I know make it about their men & their men make them happy in turn. It's been that way with every type of man out there. Men as a sex cannot help but love those who enhance their happiness & will return the favor (within reason.) But you'd never really see people giving that a try because that would make sense & people don't do that nor have the ever tried to actually say it doesn't work.

-BUT- There's always that BITCH, the one who will make it about her & ultimately let everybody around her know how lame she is, & she does that by pointing out that it doesn't matter what you do for a man, run his bath, feed him, fuck him anytime anywhere, whenever however he wants, pack his lunch, cook his dinner, rub his feet, get him a beer, watch football, don't nag, buys him video games. (As I list these things there's some guys wondering where this woman is at.) Just a whole bunch of shit she has never done before.

She'll say that that dude will still cheat or do something that will result in her being as bitter & miserable sounding as her words are. And -IF- She HAS done those things you notice she doesn't listen, which means she's done those things for a man who either isn't happy with himself (or happy period regardless of her,) she does it at particular times when he just ain't in the mood (tries to force it, & also slick with the disrespect to match. Like he's supposed to appreciate attitude behind her actions) OR, something. Females are forever fucking up so who knows what she did. & They will forever blame men for fucking up & expect men to appreciate their fuck up as a way of trying. Like children who do the right thing but it's too late & get mad when you still punish them. NO! he isn't going to appreciate what you just did, it was half assed.

She does all those things that's supposed to make her this great godly good woman on the surface but nobody really knows deep down why things didn't turn out until the other side of the story has emerged with EVIDENCE. (negative aspect of the game.)

Now notice I did say ENHANCE a man's happiness but she ain't listening, she going on about the unhappy fool. Because ENHANCING HAPPINESS, that is what a woman entering into a man's life should do. It's not your job to make him happy but you can try to enhance it & it's your job to not make it hard. You cannot enhance an unhappy motherfucker. you cannot make that happen.

Now i don't care about equality because that's not what I made this for, I don't care about being fair cause life is not & neither am I, -BUT- I hate when men do the same shit. Especially those fools who say things like "It doesn't matter how much game you have, a woman will still- blah, blah, blah (insert blackberry tears of deliciousness.)" You have no game so- we all know you are losing because you are a loser. You give 100% to bitches not even giving you 100% back. Fuck outta here. You gets no sympathy from me but I'll take another cup of those tears.

NONE of you will know love & happiness like the one given to you by a person who is trying to make you happy, giving you 100%. Ya'll just talking puppy dog shit to me.


Sunday, November 3, 2013

$20 Bill Wrapped around a Phone Number

I'll leave it like this

I saw a photo of a woman with a $20 bill wrapped around a phone number & the bitch saying men should take notes like the nigga who handed her money & his phone number. She implied that's how you get a woman to call.

When I saw that shit, I'd rather jack my dick off then to ever spend money on these hoes. Trickin is for lames & that is not what I am.

And if a bitch wanna make fun of me for it I'll say this; my hands is free. You brawds gotta pay to have sex with yourselves being alone for women is costly.

They'd like to make it seem like they are strong & control the cootapuff which gives them power by refusing to have sex but truth is, the average brawd is burning through sex toys & batteries, it's costly to have sex with themselves. They have to pay to fuck themselves. (Lulz.)

Having a man is the only way they can fuck for free unless they use their hands. Which a lot of them get bored. & with the sales of sex toys a billion dollar industry you know females ain't just using their hands & they burn out sex toys. It's cheaper to act right & keep him. (Lulz.)

Lulz, they gotta pay. To be with themselves. While as a man, it's cheaper to be by yourself, not keep her.

Anybody else laughing?

I'm so anti-simp. Anti-trick. Anti-lame, that I wouldn't spend money on hoes in a video game either. I finish gta a & the report card tried to imply that I might be a homosexual. I never once went inside a strip club or pulled hoes off the road. It's Crazy how the game is about fantasy, yet you can't even be a dude who doesn't pay for pussy. It's bananas. Bonkers. Ludicrous.

Dudes out here paying for affection. Hugs. Phone numbers. It's pathetic. What?! I said you're pathetic. Look at ya.

I got enough game to pull a bitch, have them doing things no guy has every made them do & Fucked them. Why would I have to pay? Why should I?

Mane, you dudes need to get it together. The economy is bad so I know there ain't a lot of sugar daddy's out here for them hoes so they are getting what is being thrown their way instead of- ha ha ha. Can't go no deeper. -SSM