
Monday, January 28, 2013

A Simp can be your Downfall (Troy 2004)

STOP Simping Movement
January 28, 2013 · 
I'll leave you all with this,
A simp can be your downfall whether you're man or woman.
I remember watching Troy (2004), and it ticked me off that Achilles character (played by Brad Pitt) was killed by a simp like Paris (Orland Bloom). He had no real training, he was a weak and pathetic tender dick who played captain save a hoe, then had the nerve to act like he got a prize out of fucking a second hand pussy. (We all know the King hit it first). Then instead of taking it as he fucked the kings wife this tender dick goes and takes the bitch with him getting not only his own brother and father killed but cause the destruction of Troy, of a bitch. As if royal coochie was better than peasant bitch coochie.
Achilles known for conquering and being the best fighter in his army was cool with taking the gold and a few bitches and routing Troy. Although Achilles was cupcaking with Briseis he never wanted to be in that war in the first place claiming glory for a coward of a king only in the end to get killed by a tender dick like Paris.
It's ironic that Paris wanted revenge for his brother in which HE started that war by playing captain save a hoe that got his brother killed in the first place, Achilles was trying to help out this lames cousin from being murked by the very men taking his home, and in the end the a actual man slain by a simp. I love medieval movies mane, back before cats started using guns you had to have skill with iron, steel. and or silver. If I was alive during those times you can call me the Ant-simp mercenary for hire or simp executioner.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Why You Mad, Son

Remember that time I did WYMS? Yeah, either. Anyway, I did their wack ass show, and this explains everything that happened despite anything they can claim. Anybody with any sense would get it.

I was suppose to be a special guest on why mad son blog radio and give my expertise on simping, 

but they had other motives, here's my side of the story (below), a verbal smackdown of facts. After I get my point across I won't say anything about them again even if they make a response.

I wouldn't even really call it SSM vs WYMS since I'm so far above them.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Her Problems are NOT your Problems

I saw this comment on a photo that was shared from my page.

***I think people just have become such insensitive dickheads that they lack any compassion for folks who are hurting.***

How did she know? I am an insensitive dickhead who lacks compassion for those who are hurting. Your problems are not MY problems.

No, I don't want to be a woman's fucking friend, DEAL WITH IT.

My purpose on this planet isn't to your fucking friend.

I have bigger fish to fry then to listening to your sob stories about men who have hurt you, frankly, I don't care either.

It's obviously they lack the mental intelligence to stop taking what they've been getting, but they DON'T. So obviously you like it.

"But she needs the courage and strength to get up"

That's not my problem. If I pick up her up and she runs off with Bob, what did I benefit from being her friend? And no bitch, seeing you happy ain't no benefit. They're so cute, they think we get a joy just being in their presence, ain't that some shit?

Saturday, January 19, 2013

No such thing as "Simping for the Right Woman"

There's no such thing as simping for a woman sometimes, there is no such thing as simping for the right woman.

There's a big difference in doing things for your lady because she's doing for you, and simping.

If you are disrespecting yourself as a man, it's simping. If you're investing more in her than she is in you, you are simping. If you treat her like she is your queen but you're not treated like her king, but a pesant, you're simping.


You got to be a faggot to want to get rid of a woman who actually tries and wants to make you happy and that's real shit.

And ladies you got to be a dumb ass to want a man beneath you and got the nerve to call yourself a strong woman. A queen is NOTHING without her King.


Friday, January 18, 2013

Correcting Lack of Respect from a Woman without going Overboard

The best way to correct the lack of respect from a woman without going over board,

First a man who has respect for himself leaves no room to be disrespected, everyone else has no choice but to follow suit or get charged. Everybody wants to be around a thorough dude, whether to hate or soak up his game.
So your woman or the women you deal with will be the reflection of you.

Second, ANY disrespect a woman shows you should be dealt with SWIFTLY, most men wait too long and it build up. You handle it on the spot accordingly.

Or tell her to get the fuck out until she knows how to act.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

HOW TO BE A PLAYER; is NOT a Legit Film about Players

January 15, 2013

HOW TO BE A PLAYER, is NOT a legit film, unlike "The Mack" Throughout the entire movie this tender dick, SIMPED! He did so much just to fuck the brawds he had and they didn't give him shit, he wasn't even a gigolo.
He wasn't even winning, he was losing, his entire day he spends being a beckoning foo. Whenever they wanted to fuck, they called, and he went running. Just like a simp. That's not even being a real playa. If he was, they would be coming to him to fuck AND they would be cool with him having other females because he would be honest about having other women and not doing all of that sneaking around shit, making more work for himself. Or at least running things like he didn't care if they knew or not, if they were down with him, like really down, they get down with him how he required. They'd know it was another brawd or not, and they'd have to accept it, if he was a true player, and he'd be breaking their pockets, or they'd be breaking theirs to fuck with him.

The most useful, and ONLY Piece of game, came from his Uncle Fred.

what's valuable to have, is your mouth, (mouth piece).

"If the rap is strong, the $#!+ can't go wrong."

And the movie contradicts his character when Uncle Fred appears, If his Uncle taught him the game and he STILL got busted in the end, how can he be a player? And his sister was trying to set him up to get caught by the other brawds in the movie.

His woman would eventually bust him, he spent the entire movie dodging getting caught by his girl. Not mackish at all. A Mack would have everything under control, if bitches wanted to fuck with him, they are going to have to get down with him however he required them to do so. And bitches would be paying to come see him.

ACTUALLY, something else useful in the movie is his sisters friend was intrigued by him being a player (or the illusion) even though she saw all the shit he did, she STILL wanted to fuck. All press is good press.

And finally the movie actually showed not ONE, but TWO simps. His high yella friend David, the dude crying over Nadine. And Bill Bellamy. And the only reason this dude got the females he had, was because he was a lucky simp, he had the look. And charm. That's it, he didn't spit no real game.
All he did was sprinkle pandering in his conversations. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Today; Dudes just aren't Standing on their Principals

The biggest problem today is; Dudes just aren't standing on their principals.

These females out here know they can get you to do whatever they want because you have a ego, they know your morals, your words and your balls don't mean shit if you're wavering.

The power of the pussy is about as real as good pussy. It is only in your mind.

If You sacrifice what you stand for, for a piece of ass then that says a lot about your character, it says you are not a man worth respecting.

"She got a Phat ass, she fine as hell, she got good pussy". All are excuses for being a lame tender dick jabroni. They allow you to not hold yourself accountable.

Females are irresponsible careless creatures, they're going to play on your sight and your ego. Go ahead and let them talk you right into being irresponsible right along with them.

Then lames running around claiming to be something they're not, and have these females thinking they playing the same game with me.

When really your game is not recognizable it's below E, non existent, "Think like a sucker act like a sucker" is the game. How are you thinking like me?

Men are not standing by their principals. Men and Women are not playing the game by the rules. They just suck, walking around with watered down game making up their own rules. You CAN'T change the game or the rules and expect to come out on top, it don't work that way.

You can tell females haven't been laced properly, they got kids and no man. It is not by choice. Men have hemotions and shit, cupcaking like a brawds do. Men are showing feminine traits like they're the woman in the relationship. Damn, give shawty a chance to miss you. You're suffocating em an shit. smh People need to wake up.


January 6, 2013

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Treat your Strikes against these Women like Apologies

Mane, men today are showing exactly why women don't respect them, unless they've been put in their places hard.

A lot of dudes think they're just going to meet a nice, sweet, kind woman and settle down and never have to say anything because "she knows how to behave" ANNNNNNNTTTTA! WRONG.

Look, mane; You're looking and sounding like the bitches in the relationship, it should only be one pussy, but the way you are ducking your responsibilities as a man she might as well treat you like the bitch you are because now there are TWO pussies in a heterosexual relationship.

Women have been rebellious since the beginning of time so it's only natural that you as men got to check that rebellion soon as it appears. The only reason a woman would test a man is because she smells a simp, and you may have passed all of the tests she threw at you in the beginning but now, she's seeing new shit and she's going to call you out on it in her own way.

Women today have gotten so far out of pocket with everyone she meets that isn't a real authoritative figure in her life (like her man) that they as a whole are just not respectful to men.

You have to flip this shit. You can't blame them for what you allow them to do. They have to know they can't walk all over you.

And I know, I know what you're thinking, "I'm not her daddy" TRUE, you are not, IN FACT!, If you have to check a female for what seems to be a lot, everyday, for small stupid shit, just get rid of her ass. Don't even chase after her just charge her to the game. Treat your strikes against these women like apologizes, you're only limited to a few so, make em count.


Play the Game Like a Blind Man

What do brothas really know about Ray Charles? Let's look at this from the perspective of game.

I feel he might've been one of the best playa's out in his time. Women couldn't really play on his ego or disadvantage of sight like the majority of men that can see so Him not being able to see also forced women to come correct since they couldn't play on his vision. That charm that most men see wasn't going to work. He couldn't see his money to be flashy either like a trick or simp so, I feel as though he had nothing but game and had to rely on his game and pulled.

Even though he couldn't see, obviously he still macked his way into some pannies.
Various articles call him a womanizer which to me is a square's way of saying, "playa".
Since you have to stimulate a woman's mind first before anything. All he could really do is play on a females emotions and her hearing.

I tell brothas to play the game like a blind man because if you look past a females looks what else is there to her? And that's what she has to bring to the table to keep your interest. I'm giving a little too much, so for now I'll leave it like this, If he was a simp or trick, I still just dropped something brothas can think about.

January 1, 2013