do brothas really know about Ray Charles? Let's look at this from the
perspective of game.
I feel he might've been one of the best playa's out in his time. Women couldn't really play on his ego or disadvantage of sight like the majority of men that can see so Him not being able to see also forced women to come correct since they couldn't play on his vision. That charm that most men see wasn't going to work. He couldn't see his money to be flashy either like a trick or simp so, I feel as though he had nothing but game and had to rely on his game and pulled.
Even though he couldn't see, obviously he still macked his way into some pannies.
Various articles call him a womanizer which to me is a square's way of saying, "playa".
Since you have to stimulate a woman's mind first before anything. All he could really do is play on a females emotions and her hearing.
I tell brothas to play the game like a blind man because if you look past a females looks what else is there to her? And that's what she has to bring to the table to keep your interest. I'm giving a little too much, so for now I'll leave it like this, If he was a simp or trick, I still just dropped something brothas can think about.
-SSM January 1, 2013
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