As a black man, I'm beyond the point of having sympathy for black women. They have struggles and grips, that's fine, but what I am not cool with is black women using their troubled past as a crutch to be assholes towards black men. You can only have so much sympathy for them until enough is enough and you start to feel like they need to get over it. The world does not revolve around black women, life isn't fair for anybody so the whole mantra that the weight of the world is on their shoulders, they need to let it go and grow the fuck up. the weight of the world is on everybody's shoulders.
Were you raped as a kid? Get over it.
Saw your parents get murdered? Get over it.
Were you molested? Get over it.
Teased by boys, sexually assaulted? Get over it.
Some people think we need to sit and have long drawn out conversations in order to find out what the problem is and maybe some healing can occur, wrong, victims need to get over it, and the root of the problem is they haven't gotten over it. It happened. It's unfortunate that these things happen, I don't condone it or overlook it, but black women really need to get over it so that they can move on with their lives. If they need help they can go get it from a professional.
Letting go of pain is a good thing, but I guess no one ever does it until it becomes unbearable to keep living in denial. Only when it becomes too painful to be a victim will you decide to grow out of it.