You can tell brawds have never won anything in life, because they love winning petty victories and acts of symbolism.

There was a video on YouTube called "Operation Destroy Black Men" (or something like that), and the bitch was happy that she anonymously trolled black men that lived in her building, it was hilarious, I couldn't help but laugh when I got to the end of the 2-minute video. She reminded me of Butters from South Park, and his Professor Chaos alter ego. His so-called reign of terror was trying to flood the world in one episode, from his backyard with a water hose. He had left it on for 5 hours and still no flooding, just a high as water bill and he probably got grounded.
Today the Black Men Vent facebook page was deleted because of all the reporting, and once again bitches were happy that they got a small petty victory, their victories have no impact, just a reflection of their butthurt. The creators of the page will likely create another page and bitches will still be butthurt and mad, but they won, though, no matter how insignificant a win it is, they are happy to have it.
That's why I sometimes let bitches have the last word in an argument, after all of the L's the hold, they need to win at something, so I let them win at nothing.
What I find most funny about one of the praises black women get from simpish black men, it is said that they are the backbone of our community, it's still in disarray, but the praises they get swears they have are the backbone when they've haven't done anything that showed us they were the backbone. They've done nothing for us except betray us and join the feminist movement, and even then it was only a small petty victory because they still get paid less than white men and white women, they still deal with the same racism that black men do, but you were promised equality and to be treated better than us, though, right?! Sandra Bland, that's all I am going to say about that.
I'm probably going to get reported to hell for typing all of this and sharing it on social media sites like facebook, but fuck it, do what you want.
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