
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Slavery: Everybody Suffered

Isn't it kinda funny how black women seem to forget, black men were right there during slavery going through the same shit? Women were getting raped & so were the men. Only difference was, women had it easier than the men did considering they were in the house & men were in the fields. It was off the backs of slave black men that built America & even during slavery women had it easier than black men did as today they STILL have it easier. Am I right?
I saw a comment on a post of a black man getting coddled by a white woman and there was a comment talking about "black women been through so much, we don't need our black men putting us down" and I'm thinking; bitch! Black women weren't the only ones suffering during slavery.  Everybody suffered INCLUDING the MEN if not worse because they actually had to be in the fields, they got raped, dicks cut off, they weren't taught to read & sold away from their families. And you ain't suffering shit. Stop trying to take credit for everything that happened to SOME people.  Are you even a descendant of a slave? Or were you born here like the rest?

It's ironic when black women talk about how much black women went through and THAT'S when you're ok to generalize them. It's ok to call them all queens & goddesses, because that's when it's ok to generalize them. Nope. Not all black women are queens, just the one's who treat me & other black men like a kings.
Frankly you don't deserve to refer to yourselves as queens, not my queens, if you cannot acknowledge the fact that your kings suffered too. And the simple fact that black women disrespect black men just as much as black women complain about men disrespecting black women.

I also saw another post where it said black men were god. Now I don't believe in God but you should have seen the comments. If it had of been black women, everyone including the men would be saying a bunch of afrocentric simping sucker shit.

And you can call me bitter and angry towards women if ya want but you'll be sadly mistaken, See;
It's not about who suffered more or who had it easier, it's about who's moved PASSED, the past, & REALLY trying to build something, but we can't.  

Because we keep thinking we owe each other as a people to band together because we share the same Fucking skin color.

You, aren't my people, my people aren't insensitive like that. My people are loyal. But that's the only jab I'll throw at you. Because I have queens, lionesses who treat me with respect like a king, like THEIR king. There are also respectful women who support my movement, and that's love & they are my people, you, are not. And I'm not mad, that's passion.  4/20/13

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