
Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Black Plague

Why should you listen to white people? They created stereotypes about us & have been trying to get them to stick, and you let them.

Watermelon is one of the most healthiest fruits on the planet, and chicken is high as fuck in protein, while being low in calories & fat. White people eat more chicken & watermelon than we do, but now y'all afraid to eat what's good for, because of a stereotype they created?

I've been seeing white people trying to mock us for rioting when someone of melonoid decent is killed, but they riot over a fucking game, a goddamn motherfucking sport!

I bet it was them that came up with stereotype that the Chinese eat dogs & cats.

You do realize you're listening to a group with low intelligence, right?

They remind me of that girl in that movie mean girls, the one that kept trying to make stupid shit stick, but with them it's stereotypes & wack insults.

A real stereotype about them is they eat people, they're cannibals with Neanderthal in their DNA.

When they make fake stereotypes about us, fight with real one's about them.

When they make chicken jabs, make cannibalism jabs at them.

They like to call us filthy n*ggers, but the black plague was created by them because they were too unsanitary, they didn't even use soap to wash their dirty asses, but we're filthy negros? If it weren't for the Moore's, they'd still be dying of the black plague. But y'all keep letting them tell you about you, and don't have a snappy comeback because you don't know about you or them.


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