I got around to checking out this new show, "power" and I gotta say mane...it's pretty good. I'm 4 episodes in, soon to be on the 5th, & Ghost's wife, Tasha,
Ladies, that's who you don't become, & fellas, that's who shouldn't become your wife, or the mother of your children.
This mane Ghost, he has some long term type goals and this bitch is short sighted, this is why you should never listen to women, she wanted to know why all of the secrets, why did he lie to her and you understand why he did, she didn't understand, even though she told him to try her, she's a smart woman, he laid it out that he didn't want to be a dealer anymore and she doesn't want to give up the dream, she likes the lifestyle she has, even though she doesn't get to see him often.
She complains about not seeing him often, and not spending time together and when he made long term goes so that he could see his family often, she tells him she wants things the way they are, with her masturbating while the driver watches, #thesehoesaintsmart
As a wife, she doesn't do shit but spend his money, eat, sleep and fuck, she might cook sometimes, and takes care of the kids, but she does nothing a man of ghost's status, could hire a maid for.
She sits around his money so much, the bitch could try to be more of an asset to him. Open up a business, be more supportive of what He's trying to do, but naw, bitches don't think like that. #thesehoesaintsmart
He's a meat head for marrying a brawd for looks, and not assets. Even Her momma told her when Tasha tried to check her, her mother told her that Ghost pays her rent, not Tasha, if he leaves they are both fucked. Now, her mom maybe bitter, but she was right, shit like that should make bitches think, "I'm not an asset to my dude, just a liability, I need to make myself useful" but nah, #thesehoesaintsmart
And you see, long as he Has money and spending it, she ain't mad at him for too long, but soon, which means the bitch can be bought. #thesehoesaintsmart -SSM