
Monday, October 13, 2014

What is a Coon?

What is a coon?

A coon is a nigger, you have different types of niggers though, you got House nigger & field nigger.

The field nigger unknowingly supports white supremacy. The field nigger goes around fucking shit up, shooting shit up, The field nigger is the thug or chicken head hood rat in the streets, going around robbing, being a complete and total menace to society. making neighborhoods, the worse to live in, field niggers do it to survive.

House niggers knowingly supports white supremacy. The house nigger makes life bad for regular black folks because the house nigger pushes propaganda.

That's the motherfucker with the cooperate job, and suit in middle class America.

Black Women can be coons, women can be called coons too, but
A Bed wench is a black woman with a white supremacist. If you take away her white man, she now just a coon. Most bed wenches are house niggers.

There's also levels to this shit, rankings, if you will.
You have your coons, and you have those that are dangerously stupid to be around, and then you have an agent, an agent is the highest rank a coon could ever hope to be.

Once a coon becomes an agent, they become a key instrument in promoting white supremacy. Coons in general promote white supremacy, but an agent, once you become an agent, you're a key instrument in promoting white supremacy. You're the type to try to shit on black folks that start moving progressively, they send you out there to hurt, and turn the tide around. To eliminate misinformation, issues. And literally to divert the attention from key issues to non issues or petty issues.

A coon becomes an agent when their action's are too detrimental to the black community. They go from being just a coon, to a agent.

Ep 4: How to Deal with Coons

1 comment:

  1. Very thorough post. I may have to share this in the future on my blog.
