
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Sunday, August 30, 2015

White Racial Slurs & the Dukes of Hazard

I heard the dukes of hazard was taken off TV because of the connection to the Confederate flag (I never saw the show), white people were making posts about it in anger, trying to grasp at straws saying that shows like the Jefferson's & Sanford Son made racial slurs all the time, and it's not fair that they get to stay on the air.

Peakerwoods always reaching, Jefferson & Sanford used what you're calling "racial slurs", but they in no way will ever be as insulting as the Confederate flag, or racial slurs white people use.

Racial slurs white people are referring to are terms like Cracker, and honkie.

Cracker is a term slaves used to describe slave masters who were always "cracking" their whip at the slaves. That's not a real insult & will never be as degrading as being called a Nigger. The dictionary says nigger means ignorant, but the reality of it is it meant whatever insult white people wanted it to be.

Then we have honkie, the origins of this derogatory word comes from a time when black people were crossing a street & there was white drivers honking their horns at them in a harassing manner. Again, NOWHERE near insulting as being called a spook, or coon, or porch monkey, or whatever insult white people come up with.

Racial slurs used on white people were situational terms, meanwhile they were trying to be as antagonizing to us as possible since they brought us here on those boats. They even have such a hatred & blood shot look in their eyes when they say these things to us.

If you're black trying to defend white people using racial slurs at us, because we use them at them, you clearly don't know the meaning, you're a coon & a failure. SSM

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Ep 9: Vagina's on Sale for a Relationship

If you're a woman who doesn't have her shit together and you think you can get into a committed relationship with a dude who does, you're lying to yourself! And you deserve to be lied to.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Ja-Mia McDonald

The best she could do what make fun of my name, talk about a book she couldn't afford & call me bitter. Thanks!

The Not so Strong & Independent

New Anti-Simp

In case the other jawn folds, like share with like minded folks.

Bitch logic-

You have a problem with me, you are addressing me while expressing your problem with me, instead of trying to be a help, I'll just assume you're anti-black women & pro-white women. I lack sympathy & empathy, but you must be the problem.

Oh, I'm also going to tell you white people are laughing at us as we point the finger at each other, as if you'll behave all of a suddenly, because I said massa is a watching.

-Bitch logic.

I don't give a fuck what no filthy fucking white people think about me, or what I post, they ain't the poster child of what's right in the world. If they see us fighting and laugh, OK. I remember when their dirty asses didn't use soap, and they almost killed themselves creating the black plague, a disease they created by being so unsanitary. And then I laugh. BLACK WOMEN, YOU'RE GOING TO GET THIS WORK, WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!


All Press is Good Press - Part 2

Here's another Facebook page ran by a wack brawd, now they're trying to say I ain't black because I've serving them that fire. Now they're trying to discredit me. I haven't said anything about black women that wasn't true. I haven't belittled black women. Black women have said that black men ain't shit for 40+ years, they said they didn't need black men, since when has that been belittling? Since when has that made someone anti-black, or anti-black women? Y'ALL SAID IT, I repeated what you said, so I guess that means you're not pro-black men, according to your logic @Black Women with Real Hair. I guess that means your a funky white bitch behind your profile, I guess that means you're not pro-black if we go by your logic. 😂

All Press is Good Press

@Ja-Mia McDon thank you for the free publicity, you stupid bitch. Now you can read my post from the banned life. 😂

Hulk Hoe-Gan

If you try to downplay hulk Hogan's use of the n-word, you either didn't read what was said or you're a one of uncle Ruckus bastard children. Which one? Cause Hogan admitted to being racist, he had an issue with his daughter seeing a black guy, or the thought of her fucking one.

You cannot defend that. The Rock Rock bottomed nobody 3 times & he gave the people's elbowed to no one at Wrestlemania 18, he sure as hell beat no one at summer slam the following year. -SSM

The Strong & Not so Independent (3/3)

Someone else I had banned earlier said they knew where I was coming from, but was this the best time?

Do you guys know when black women joined the feminist movement? Do you know when black women started saying black men ain't shit, and they didn't need no man, they were independent. Do you know when that happened?

It happened right at the time black men needed allies the most, so yes, this is the right time, right when black women need allies the most. This is the right time to remind them, they fucked up! You fear for your life, that uncertainty is there, anger is there too, & you'll do as you always do and blame the men, digging an even deeper hole. -SSM

The Strong & Not so Independent (2/3)

One of the women I banned from the page earlier said that black men betrayed black women too, she said they betrayed them by fucking with white women.

That's not betrayal you dumb brawd, that's rejection, there's a difference. Black men obtain no power from fucking white women, they don't have any power to be detrimental to their group, unlike black women bed wenching with white supremacist.

You feel rejected, which you're trying to say is betrayal, but black women were legally allowed to fuck with white men as they pleased, and they did. While black men were killed for even seen looking at white women.

You rejected the men first, you didn't & still don't want the men that date white women, you're just mad that they rejected you before you could do it to them. That is all that is about.

When black talk about betrayal, they're talking about dating & relationships, they can't & will not ever be able to point out men in a movement like feminist movement, men have never been a part of a movement that sought to betray women, like black women did with black men. You cannot point out to a time where black men betrayed black women in terms of making their lives worse than it is, you cannot point to a time where black men joined a movement detrimental to their race, where they could use power to oppress their race even further, like black women did with the feminist movement.

The fucked up thing is, feminist act like they had a hard fight, when in reality the civil rights movement gave them their platform, they stole the momentum from the civil rights movement. Were it not for the civil rights movement, feminism might not have existed, or at least be as influential as it is today. -SSM

I'm seeing post where black women are asking,... - Anti-Simp; Formerly known as SSM

The Strong & Not so Independent (1/3)

Some bitch got on the post I put up yesterday about black women asking black men for help, after saying black men ain't shit for 40+ years, she must've thought this was a Facebook group, I was gonna come back to my page & argue with all of the simps & wack bitches she tagged, I sent about 14-15 souls to the shadow realm.

I'm not arguing with black women, or simp ass dudes you got to running after you. Black men have heard your bullshit for 40+ years, you're going to hear this fire, you ain't got a fucking choice. You're going to respect me, that ain't up for debate. And didn't you guys know, they started using shaming tactics, digging a deeper hole for themselves. Like I said, they'll play nice or antagonize you for what they want.

I ain't like them suckas you snap your fingers to that come to your defense online, you can use shaming tactics & ignore what I said all you want, the fact still remains that you ain't got enough men that's willing to die for your funky asses, you can't snap your fingers & tag men in posts while cops are whipping on your asses, and that's because the vast majority of black men don't care, you ain't our allies, only a minority of black women can get down with black men, the rest of you are too fucked up in the head.

Laying the ban hammer on 15 people ain't nothing, you ain't got enough people to troll me. -SSM

I'm seeing post where black women are asking,... - Anti-Simp; Formerly known as SSM

Here's a pic of the post in case my page gets deleted.

White People - the REAL Animals

White people call us apes, monkeys & all types of animals, despite the fact that black people go far & beyond trying to be on their best behavior in front of white people. They try hard as fuck to be polite & cordial, & despite black people behaving better than white people, white people still try to stereotype us with animal insults, and in the process of trying, THEY are the one's that behave like monkeys, apes & gorillas. THEY are the one's that behave like animals, especially when trying to do it to insult us.

But y'all listen to them, you want to use them as a platform for what is right & wrong, you want to put them on a pedestal of what to be like. I ain't no unsanitized peakawood, I'm a person of melonoid descent. Far as I'm concerned, I treat people how they treat me, no one is above me, if I think I need to correct my behavior or mannerisms, I sure as hell ain't asking no cannibals. They are the real animals, animals don't use soap when they bathe, and they eat humans too.


The Black Plague

Why should you listen to white people? They created stereotypes about us & have been trying to get them to stick, and you let them.

Watermelon is one of the most healthiest fruits on the planet, and chicken is high as fuck in protein, while being low in calories & fat. White people eat more chicken & watermelon than we do, but now y'all afraid to eat what's good for, because of a stereotype they created?

I've been seeing white people trying to mock us for rioting when someone of melonoid decent is killed, but they riot over a fucking game, a goddamn motherfucking sport!

I bet it was them that came up with stereotype that the Chinese eat dogs & cats.

You do realize you're listening to a group with low intelligence, right?

They remind me of that girl in that movie mean girls, the one that kept trying to make stupid shit stick, but with them it's stereotypes & wack insults.

A real stereotype about them is they eat people, they're cannibals with Neanderthal in their DNA.

When they make fake stereotypes about us, fight with real one's about them.

When they make chicken jabs, make cannibalism jabs at them.

They like to call us filthy n*ggers, but the black plague was created by them because they were too unsanitary, they didn't even use soap to wash their dirty asses, but we're filthy negros? If it weren't for the Moore's, they'd still be dying of the black plague. But y'all keep letting them tell you about you, and don't have a snappy comeback because you don't know about you or them.


Friday, June 19, 2015

Know Your Rights!

To this day, I have never been in jail, never been locked up or arrested for a crime, never been stopped or harassed by cops, I've had probably one bad experience with a cop, and he started it.

Still, while avoiding legal troubles, I would never post videos telling black people to stop resisting arrest & to do as you're told, I would never tell you all to "this is how you avoid getting killed by police, I'm a good negro, follow my lead".

Despite not having legal troubles, I hate cops, you have rights, I know my rights & from what I see in videos recorded around America, your rights are being violated in every single video, you don't know your own rights, but that doesn't mean yours aren't violated. To me, making videos & posts about how to avoid legal troubles by complying with the cops, & stop resisting arrest, that's some c**n shit right there.

You can avoid legal troubles by knowing your rights, if you haven't broken the law, and cops are harassing you, there really isn't much you can do to avoid getting unlawfully arrested.

Don't consent to any searches, they will search you anyway. If they read you your rights, exercise your rights, ask to speak to a lawyer & remain silent, you don't have to cooperate any information, especially without a lawyer present.

If you aren't being arrested, "I am I being detained or am I free to go", should be the only thing you say if they stop you, again; you don't have to answer any questions or give up any information, telling them you know your rights when they are harassing you, will not keep them from arresting you unlawfully. If they tell you you're not being detained walk away, you're not breaking any laws, they don't have probable cause (PC) to detain you, if they follow you and keep asking questions, continue asking them if you're being detained or free to go, you might even go as far as to say you will not say anything without a lawyer present.

Knowing your rights can also be a good way to troll police for harassing you. White people watch the same videos I mentioned earlier, and they always say black people are resisting arrest & or not complying with the law, despite the fact that that isn't true, that's the benefits of them being white & privileged, they don't know their own rights, the same rights we have, the day when the tables turn, they WILL resist arrest & will not comply with the law.


Friday, June 12, 2015

Homophobia/Transphobia are not real words

Homophobia & transphobia are not real words, & they aren't classified as real fears.

Both are nothing more than shaming tactics or language.

Homosexuality is a choice, it doesn't matter if you don't agree, there is no scientific proof of a gay gene, also; if you're an adult that doesn't agree it's a choice, I'm going to assume you haven't made your choice & can't take you seriously. You weren't even old enough to make a choice or have sexual attraction to any gender to be born gay or straight, so good luck with that argument.

Knowing homosexuality is a choice doesn't make me fear or hate homosexuals, the only language I understand is green ($$$), if you're a homosexual, that is a good thing. There are people who would refuse to do business with you, which is foolish on their part.

I don't believe in God, so I have no obligations towards scripture to hate you or have an issue with your way of living. Even if I did believe in God, I still wouldn't give a shit because I do what I want, & whether god exist or not, he's gonna have to cool with me doing whatever the fuck I want. Using bible scripture against me won't work, because I don't care what it says, I have read the bible, a lot of you- no the vast majority of people, no sexual orientation attached, are hypocrites! Only a very small amount of people who believe in god, actually follow god.
Ironic part of my post, despite not being a believer, many people my homies included say that God wants me to do whatever I want. I already help those in need (provided they are sappers of power), so I walk the path of righteous without being told. That is all.


Sexual Orientation IS a Choice!

For anybody that says being a homosexual/heterosexual
isn't a choice, it's just natural-

What separates humans from animals, is animals act on their natural instincts, & humans have a choice, they make decisions.

You put 2 male dogs together all they'll do is play, they will never fuck because IT IS NOT NATURAL.

You talking about acting natural & it's hardwired to be gay or straight, by that logic your nature could be gay, since you haven't made a choice.

2/27/14 @8:08pm

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Taking Black Empowerment Seriously...Or Not!

Black empowerment/conscious groups on social media are a joke!

I have been added to a few over the years & they are all the same; attention whoring, pseudo intellectuals, & pussy pandering. Lots of worthless discussions, none leading towards power or more money.

Bitches posting photos of themselves, bitches making post about the black woman's vagina being heaven, & men cosigning the fuckery.

None of this shit has anything to do with black empowerment, what the hell does pics of you, and pandering to bitches got to do with seizing some property & splitting the dividends? Or picking politicians to buy? What does the black woman's vagina have to do with black empowerment? And usually, it's old black women saying that shit, ugly & sometimes fat, it's like; look at you, trying to make your worthless ass seem important, you're not!

You can take black people seriously, because they have yet to get serious! Black folks act like; if oppression & blatant racism hasn't happened to them, then white supremacy ain't their problem.

We talk about group economics, & criticize black celebrities for not practicing group economics, but non celebrity blacks are the only ones not practicing it, you, the little people don't support your own people!

Look at black celebrities, particularly the entertainers like rappers, they make music together, feature each other in songs, start labels & groups together. Black actors start their own production studios, & make their own directorial debuts, they make movies & the cast is damn near all black, say what you want about spike Lee, Tyler Perry, Ice Cube & many others, say what you want about their movies, but at least they make their own shit & do it with their own people, they practice group economics way more than you, the people ever could.

Floyd Mayweather's entire camp is full of black people, he's an independent boxer & also a boxer promoter, all of his fights since he became independent have been promoted by him, including the fight vs Manny. The fight between he and Manny took so long to happen because Manny wanted half, Floyd was the champ, and he was the reason the fight could happen, he was the reason it got promoted, Manny was signed, Manny is not an independent boxer, he is under contract, he was out of his fucking mind for asking for half, when he didn't put up shit, all he had to do was show up & fight! Floyd's whole team is black, he employed black, he does business with black. His personal chef, the one preparing all of his meals, is black, matter fact, she's a black woman.

Celebrities practice group economics, it's the rest of us that have yet to get on the ball. -SSM

Sunday, May 31, 2015

You Mad? SSM Says Black Women are Either Gay, Have Kids or Broke

Kenya Moore Says Black Men are Either Gay, In Jail or Jobless

Her tears taste so delicious, black women that think like her, their tears are so delicious, their tears taste like almond milk with warm, moist chocolate chip cookies on the side, I'm talking chunky chocolate chips.

It ain't a lot of eligible, available black women either.

They're either gay, got kids, fat, broke, feminist, in jail, dead, STDs, wack as hell, thinking a man should pay their way through life, jobless, or they view being submissive as a weakness.

Finding a black woman with her mind right, with no kids, has her own money & pays her own way, is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. You'll either find black women with their mind right, but they don't start making sense until they've had a kid or kids,'ll meet black women with their own money & their own shit, but have become complete & total bitches over time.

Somewhere right now is a bitch ready to reply "where are you looking, or what kind of women are you running into" trying to subtly say "all women ain't like that" though we all know she is.

Her slow ass can't catch on to my point about the needle in the haystack. -SSM

You Mad? Kenya Moore Says Black Men are Either Gay, In Jail or Jobless

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

ESPN's Michelle Beadle is a Hypocrite

Michelle Beadle is a hypocrite, for those of you who don't know, she's an ESPN news reporter.

Whenever a black person does something considered wrong and immoral, (by law maker standards) they are punished for it. When a black person accepts that they were wrong, accepts their punishment and carry out being punished, they have served their debt to society, therefore they should be moving forward.

White supremacist will keep bringing up a black person's past, have it shown on news outlets 24/7. They don't do the same thing when it comes to white people that commit the same crimes.
A black person is criminalized for the same shit white people do, the same crimes, wearing the same clothes, driving the same cars, eat the same foods, having the same type of attitude.
Michelle Beadle has been going on a smear campaign, trying to criminalize Floyd Mayweather on his history of domestic abuse allegations. She's a ESPN news reporter, there has been several cases where white athletes have committed the same type of crime as black people, and yet they only seem to try to criminalize black men. Last year it was Adrian Peterson & Ray Rice, this year it's Floyd.

Michelle Beadle and many other white supremacist dislike Floyd because he does what he wants and is a self made black man, he bought his contract and cut out the middleman, they don't get a piece of the pie, he's cocky and arrogant, if you're a black man that is cocky, arrogant and don't depend on white supremacist to get your money, they want to criminalize you for something, they want you to be submissive towards them after they have found something about you, they don't just you to be humble, they want you to be a tap dancing, shoe bucking coon. And since Floyd does whatever he wants, they have an issues with that, so they keep trying to bring up the past and shame anyone that supports Floyd. Shaming tactics like the woman beater allegations. They still haven't forgiven Michael Vick, despite white people going around murdering animals, it's not for sport, they they go extinct and you have to reason for killing them, you're not hunting for food.

Michelle isn't the only one who keeps bringing up the past, white supremacist tend to have a very short term memory when it comes to white folks that commit those same immoral wrongs, they change the rules on us. Never forget guys like Charlie Sheen, he was verbally abusive to his ex-girlfriends, ex-wives, he's been known to be very abusive even towards coworkers, he got fired from Two and a half men, he did a few interviews and came back cocky and arrogant, nobody had an issue with that, he spawn the catchphrase “winning” and he wasn't winning anything, he got fired, got roasted on comedy central and is supposed to be a new man, his verbal abuse includes calling his ex-wife Dennis Richards a N*gger. Speaking of the N-word, Mel Gibson is also abusive towards women he was dealing with and very racist, just like Charlie, he told and ex he hoped she got raped by a pack of N*ggers. Let's not forget Christian Bale, that's right, the dark knight. Other names of white people with a history of domestic disputes include;

Carmen Electra
Emma Roberts
Sean Penn
Nicolas Cage
Steven Seagal
Tommy Lee, (he always was beating Pamala's ass)
Ozzy Osbourne
Mickey Rourke
Gary Busey
This is just to name a few, you can see more here Celebrities Who Have Been Charged with Domestic Abuse, or just google.

Floyd has already been punished, he served his time, he was punished Financially, but to white supremacist like Michelle, that's not enough, he needs to be punished more, they want him to be submissive bow down to them. And anyone who doesn't agree, she and many other white supremacist supporters will use shaming tactics, she's going after WWE now because HHH supports Floyd, at first she just said she was no longer a fan, now she says she's using her voice to call them out since it appears WWE hasn't addressed her. TwitLonger — When you talk too much for Twitter (via

Floyd has done some thing's I'd consider immoral, but domestic disputes to me isn't one of them. I consider trickin money off on bitches immoral, I consider him defending that racist peakerwood Justin Beiber, immoral and soft shoe cooning. If he abuses his kids, I consider that immoral, kids can't defend themselves, and judging by how happy they were, sitting in the front row watching their father's fight against Manny, they didn't seem like they were abused. No proof has come out he hurts his children. I don't care about what happens to women, they can leave. This isn't the 1950's, women can leave abusive relationships and they can learn to defend themselves numerous ways, so I never feel sorry for them. If a woman is down for her man, doing right by him and he hits her, that's unfortunate, but I know a woman with some sense and her head on right knows how to take care of herself.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A Desirable Female Trait

Submissive women aren't following a traditional role, it's not a standard or a practice, submission is a desirable FEMININE TRAIT.

It has been a desirable feminine trait since the beginning of time, most masculine human mammals & mammal animals desire that trait, so when women say that they believe in old fashion views & traditions, that doesn't mean anything. You could be talking about men providing while the women stayed home with the kids & cooked, cleaned & took care of the home.

Standards & or traditions (if you will), are just passed down beliefs & principles.

A trait, that's part of who you are, a distinguishing quality or characteristic, (typically one belonging to a person).

When females say they are submissive only to the right man, they aren't submissive. Because it's a trait, and if they have to ask what your version of submission is, fellas, then they aren't desirable women.

When they say try to say that the lack of "real" men is why women aren't submissive, they were never submissive to begin with.

A desirable feminine trait is always sought after, & masculine men or animals will always seek it out, masculinity & femininity compliment one another, it's the Yin to the yang.
No man of sense & masculinity, no man in his right mind, a true man will ever seek out women who lack that desirable female trait.

And if a female tells you submission isn't gender specific, she can't be taken seriously. Females who aren't submissive aren't even considered women, they are less than women. Take it how you want. -SSM

Friday, April 3, 2015

Strength? More like Stupidity!

Women continue to push stupidity or ignorance, as if it means being strong.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Can You Build a House?

Bitch logic -

"I'll cook for you, but first you have to build a house. How does that sound?"

Like fuck outta here bitch, I ain't no mathematician. But, I know how to count. Building a house can take months, possibly a year and some change, you cooking could take 1 minute to 8 hours. That does not add up to the least bit in fair exchange.

You guys ever notice it's bitches that cosign or make bullshit like that that can't cook, & not not worth it?

Like, bitches will base memes & quote posts, around their gender or character flaws.

I meet women all the time that love to cook, having a man they like dig their cooking makes them happy, not saying they live for it, but they take pride in their skills. Women that can cook & love to cook would love to cook for their dude. When bitches have a huge character flaw, they base these quote posts around them, like if a bitch is boring & lacks a personality, they like to make it seem like men have to wait to smash, they hype up their bedroom skills or don't talk about it all because they suck in the sack, like giving head. When they are stingy with their paper & don't pay on dates or buy gifts for their men, they like to pay only sometimes or not at all. When they aren't submissive, they like to make it seem like a dude gotta earn them & jump through hoops to get that from them. You see where I'm going? You notice the pattern? OK, cool! But that's bitch logic for you. -SSM

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Instagram Models

I heard it's a bit more to it than this, they let cats with a lot of money fly em out & do all types of crazy shit to em for the paper. But, let them tell it, they got that paper on their own.

Insecurities, gofundme

Damn, I did not know there were so many insecure motherfuckers on social media, tripping about folks leaving emojo comments under their loved one's pics, or whatever.

Then you got cats like the one looking for funding to stalk his girl, everybody making fun of him, but you gotta look at his bitch. You know he displayed red flags of his behavior early on in the relationship, & she still chose to fuck with him, wow. It's plenty more lames like him, he just so happened to be bold enough to ask people for assistance.
None of y'all should ever put your relationship out there on social media, you're too insecure to even have an account. -SSM

Oh yeah, there was a comment left by a self hating bitch too.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Success Penis Transplant Spells Trouble

First the organs on the inside of healthy young black males, and now they could be after the one that's between their legs. 

Successful Penis Transplant could explain why so many young unarmed Black men have been killed.

Doctors have successfully performed the world’s first penis transplant on a young man who had his organ amputated after a botched circumcision ritual, a hospital said on Friday.
The patient, who is not being named for ethical reasons, was 21 years old when his penis was amputated three years ago after he developed severe complications due to a traditional circumcision as a rite of passage into manhood.
Finding a donor organ was one of the major challenges of the study, a statement by the university said.
The donor was a deceased person who donated his organs for transplant, doctors said without elaborating.
The successful procedure, while good for medical advancement could be trouble for young Black men. Police are already trigger happy in killing young Black men, now that they know that the Black men penis can be transplanted to white men, Black men lives could be in more danger. With so many white men wishing they had a Black penis, this should now be a very serious concern for the Black Community.
Another nine patients will receive penile transplants as part of the study, doctors said, but it was not clear when the operations could be carried out.
For families that have lost young unharmed Black men to police brutality, they might want to conduct the necessary investigation to make sure their penises were not harvested.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Super Bitch & the Super Simp

The other day my homie was telling about story about a guy who was married and his wife didn’t appreciate what he did for her, despite bending over backwards for her.

He tried being more romantic, public displays of affection, taking her out more, spending more money, touching her, etc, etc, it only ended up with her looking at him with disgust when he touched her.

My homie said the same thing I was thinking, that he should have just divorced her, cause there was no way I stay in a relationship with a miserable bitch. And that is what she was.

In this day in age, despite the fact that women complain about being unappreciated in a relationship, guys tend to be unappreciated as well, and they stick around for it as well, just as much as women do. It just so happens women make the most noise, and with the manginas and simps, the stories kinda take a backdoor to women and their outcry.

I notice all of these stories coming out about men going unappreciated and since I ran SSM & now run the Anti-Simp, I hear them all the time.

I always wondered why the men didn't leave, cause it's not just love, as I stated earlier, my homie said the same thing I did, I'd leave that miserable brawd, so why can't other men do it? Why can't they leave a brawd like that? You have to know that staying with a woman like that is draining to your life energy, your spiritual energy, so why stick around?

It's because they don't have anything left, it's easy for me to just go pull another brawd, I tend to lose feelings as quickly as I caught them, cause I'm a thoroughbred, I can't be in a relationship with someone draining my energy, draining my life-force. I'm awesome, I can't be in a relationship with someone who doesn't feel and think the same way about me.

Black men tend to bend over backwards for black women, with the tricking and simping, they don't even stop there, they tend to go extra, but black women want men to do more than just bend over backwards for them, they want more than that extra mile, they want them to bend over backwards far beyond what they already do. They want them to be doormats, they want them to put up with abuse, and they want them to stay and take that shit. Men who leave are why some of them become super bitter. They want a thoroughbred as well and tend to want him to end up the same way as the men they've dated, but thoroughbred dip out way quicker then the simps she's use to will. It's funny, women say they want a standup guy. but, are always trying to make him side down. They are going to have to deal with the fact that, not all women can get a thoroughbred. Some women settle, they know they settle, despite what you hear everyday about black men, they stay with black women despite how miserable black women are, and how they make black men feel.

The men stick around because they've past the threshold, they've gone beyond just a simp, they've become super simps, they don't have any self respect left, that shit is gone, they can't do any better than the brawd they are putting up with. They make even have the look that can pull a lot of women, but they don't want to start over, they don't have the self-esteem to go on, and so they stay and contiue to deal.

Women pass a threshold as well, they become so miserable there is no way back, they've gone beyond being a bitch, they've gone to a place in their mind and heart and become super bitch, super wack, super lame, nobody in their right mind would be with her, accept for the sucker she has, and those that do leave her and her misery, she'll be pissed off at all men til the day they close this bitch's casket.
As I told my homie, it's the women, it has got to be the women, because black men have no issues tricking off money on women, and pandering, becoming a complete simp, but they want their women to be kind, and appreciate what they do, and they can't seem to get that from black women, at least not American black women, they usually go overseas (or find a white woman).

I know many of you guys reading this saw the documentary about Brazil, and all of the black men who traveled there just to get a piece of mind. They didn't even care about saving up money just to blow it all over there (despite the women in the documentary saying they were being taken advantage of), they didn't care, they were happy as fuck. Now I'm not cosigning trickin, never have never will, but when an abundance of men seek women either outside their race or outside this country, it's the women. It's not all of them, but, you know there is too many. -SSM

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

King Chef Judah - Roast

Facebook may have removed the post, but I still got this jawn. And I haven't forgotten this son of a bitch reported the post,  

I ban one bitch ass dude from the page, and another HEmotional ass dude pops up.

Look, I don't know when dudes start doing things like bitches, but it's pretty bitch made to tag another man in a post, just so we can sit up & argue back & forth about not liking one another, women do that, that's not something a man does, I don't have time for that. If I got the authority to ban a son of a bitch, then I'm going to ban the son of a bitch. And now since your HEmotional hotep ass "felt" his pan, I'm going to ban you as well & make a post about you, so you can read it from afar.

I still got his original comment as an email

Mario McWilliams Sr. - Roast

Wake up in the morning to see comments and a message from a big fat white bastard,

It's really this big fat black bastard,
with tinkie tits & an even fatter white girl in his profile pic, 
He's mad because I banned him for being a fan of Tommy.
Look at this ugly son of a bitch; 
 Anybody that fuck with my page should already know I ban lame motherfuckers that follow that coon, I consider all of you Tommy Hoe-tomayor followers to be coons or coon sympathizers. 

Talk about looking so ugly he must have hit every brand in the tree on the way, this motherfucker got jumped by trees, they were in a gang in the forest. He ran the gauntlet on the forest. He wasn't hit with an ugly stick, he got hit with a tree.


When he and his bitch fuck, their bellies rub together creating fire & rug burns, if not sweat & monsoons. His bitch digs bellybutton dirt out of his stomach, with a tablespoon.
He and his bitch take turns breastfeeding their kids.
That motherfucker is the final boss after you fight all of the other ugly motherfuckers.

Niggas get them a white bitch and start cupcaking extra hard.  



Mane, Hoe-tomayor has some wack ass followers, they dick ride anybody, I guess whenever that coon is on his bullshit and they need someone else to follow, they go to anybody. That's why I call them professional dick riders. Look at him downloading all my shit, sharing my shit by the masses. Nigga, I hope you have more accounts I can ban, so I can roast you again, while you can't do nothing about it but read it from afar.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

STOP Simping Movement Presents; Game for Men

My book is now available!

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Thursday, January 1, 2015

STOP! Simping Movement Presents; Game for Men

I wrote this book to give game to men on how to deal with women. It comes with rules you can apply in life so you don't end up simping, I also break down thoroughly what a simp is, different categories of simps, simping etc. This book teaches you how to avoid getting rejected. How to spot uncooperative females. How to deal with love and so much more. Message me via SSM inbox to pre-order or Contact me Via Email; Follow me @TheAnti_simp.